
Penerimaan CPNS di Lingkungan TNI Angkatan Udara Tahun Anggaran 2010/2011

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010 · 0 komentar

Nomor : Peng/ 5 /X/2010
TA 2010

1. Dalam rangka mengisi formasi Pegawai Negeri Sipil TA. 2010, sesuai Pengumuman Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Indonesia Nomor PENG/04/X/2010 tanggal 11 Oktober 010 tentang Pengadaan PNS Kemhan TA. 2010, Markas Besar Angkatan Udara membuka kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Indonesia untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) TNI Angkatan Udara.

a. Warga Negara Indonesia pria dan wanita beragama.
b. Berkelakuan baik yang dibuktikan dengan surat keterangan dari Polres/ Polresta/Poltabes setempat.
c. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/anggota TNI/anggota Kepolisian Negara atau sebagai pegawai swasta dengan surat pernyataan.
d. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan tidak sedang terikat perjanjian/kontrak kerja dengan instansi lain dengan surat pernyataan.
e. Tidak bersuami/beristrikan seorang yang berkewarganegaraan asing atau tanpa kewarganegaraan dengan mencantumkan surat keterangan dari Kelurahan/Kepala Desa.
f. Usia maksimum 35 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2010.
g. Berijazah D-3, dan S-1 dengan IPK minimum 2,5.
h. Tidak sedang melamar menjadi CPNS
i. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara.
j. Mempunyai pendidikan, kecakapan, keahlian dan keterampilan yang diperlukan.
k. Keadaan Jasmani dan Rohani Pelamar :
1) Tinggi badan, minimal untuk Pria 160 Cm, Wanita 155 Cm.
2) Berat badan mendekati ideal (tidak overweight dan tidak underweight).
3) Tidak tuna rungu dan tuna wicara.
4) Memiliki dua mata (tidak juling, tidak buta warna, tidak palsu).
5) Tidak bertato dan bertindik (kecuali karena adat).
6) Tidak mengkonsumsi/menggunakan narkotika, psikotropika dan zat adiktif lainnya.
k. Terdaftar sebagai penari kerja di Kemenakertrans/Kanwil Kemenakertrans setempat.
l. Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah NKRI.
m. Bagi pelamar wanita tidak dalam keadaan hamil (sanggup menunda kehamilan) sampai dengan diangkat menjadi PNS.
n. Bersedia melaksanakan ikatan kerja minimal 5 tahun terhitung sejak pengangkatannya sebagai Calon PNS, dan bersedia mengembalikan biaya pengadaan sebesar 10 kali gaji pokok terakhir yang diterima, apabila mengundurkan diri sebe-lum masa ikatan kerja selesai.

Waktu pendaftaran pada tanggal 18 Oktober 2010 sampai dengan 21 Oktober 2010 pada jam kerja.

a. Jakarta I (Denma Mabesau) meliputi satuan kerja di lingkungan Mabesau yang berada di Jakarta, Lanud Atang Sendjaja dan Lanud Astra Ksetra.
b. Jakarta II (Makodikau) meliputi satuan kerja Makodikau, Makoopsau I Makohanudnas dan jajarannya yang berada di wilayah Jakarta dan sekitarnya, Lanud Halim Perdanakusuma, Sekkau, Wingdikum dan satuan jajarannya, Wingdiktekkal dan satuan jajarannya dan Jajaran Paskhas yang berada di Jakarta.
c. Medan (Lanud Medan) meliputi satuan kerja Lanud Medan, Lanud Maimun Saleh, Lanud Sultan Iskandar Muda dan Kosekhanudnas III serta satuan jajarannya.
d. Pakanbaru (Lanud Pekanbaru) meliputi satuan kerja Lanud Pekanbaru, Lanud Palembang, Lanud Tanjung Pandan, Lanud Padang dan Lanud Tanjung Pinang.
e. Kalimantan Barat (Lanud Supadio) meliputi satuan kerja Lanud Supadio, Lanud Singkawang II, Lanud Syamsudin Noor, Lanud Balikpapan dan Lanud Iskandar, Lanud Ranai dan Lanud Tarakan.
f. Bandung (Lanud Sulaiman) meliputi satuan kerja Seskoau, Dislitbangau, Rumkitmun, Koharmatau dan satuan jajarannya di Bandung, Korpaskhas serta satuan jajarannya di Bandung, Lanud Husein Sastranegara, Lanud Sulaiman, Lanud Suryadarma dan Lanud Sukani.
g. Surakarta (Lanud Adi Soemarmo) meliputi satuan kerja Akademi Angkatan Udara, Lanud Adi Sutjipto, Lanud Adi Soemarmo, Depohar 50 Smo dan Lanud Wirasaba.
h. Surabaya (Lanud Surabaya) meliputi satuan kerja Pusdiklathanudnas, Lanud Iswahjudi, Lanud Abdurachman Saleh, Lanud Surabaya, Lanud Ngurah Rai, Lanud Rembiga, Lanud El Tari, Depohar 20 Iwj, Depohar 30 Abd, Depohar 60 Iwj dan Satuan Paskhas di Jawa Timur.
i. Makassar (Lanud Hasanuddin) meliputi satuan kerja Makoopsau II, Lanud Hasanuddin, Lanud Wolter Monginsidi, Lanud Sam Ratulangi dan Kosekhanudnas II serta satuan jajarannya.
j. Jayapura (Lanud Jayapura) meliputi satuan kerja Makosekhanudnas IV dan satuan jajarannya, Lanud Manuhua, Lanud Jayapura, Lanud Merauke, Lanud Timika, lanud Pattimura, Lanud Morotai dan Lanud Dumatubun.

Seleksi penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Kemhan dilakukan dengan tahapan-tahapan sebagai berikut :
a. Seleksi Administratif meliputi kelengkapan berkas persyaratan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.
b. Seleksi Kesehatan.
c. Seleksi kesamaptaan jasmani (2400 m).
d. Wawancara
1) Test Mental Idiologi.
2) Test Kompetensi.
e. Test tertulis sesuai tingkatannya, meliputi :
1) Test Pengetahuan Umum (TPU)
a) Ideologi : Pancasila dan UUD 45.
b) Politik : Sistem Administrasi Negara RI (Sanri), Sistem Pemerintahan Pusat dan Daerah, Politik Luar Negeri.
c) Ekonomi : Sistem ekonomi Indonesia, Kebijakan Fiskal dan moneter, Perdagangan Bebas.
d) Sosial budaya : Sejarah kebangsaaan dan masyarakat madani.
e) Pertahanan dan Keamanan : Wawasan Nusantara, Sistem Pertahanan dan keamanan.
f) Hukum : Norma hukum, azas hukum, supremasi hukum.
g) Pengetahuan komputer : teknologi informasi, internet
h) Matematika dasar
i) Sejarah nasional dan sejarah dunia
j) Statistik
k) Bahasa Indonesia
l) Pengetahuan populer.
2) Test Bahasa Inggris.
3) Test Bakat Skolastik (TBS), mengukur potensi seseorang dengan belajar berdasarkan penalaran verbal, penalaran kuantitatif dan penalaran analisis.

Kualifikasi pendidikan dan jumlah formasi yang dibutuhkan adalah sebagai berikut :

download di pengumuman saja…

Para pelamar datang sendiri ke tempat pendaftaran/tidak dapat diwakilkan, dengan membawa kelengkapan administrasi sebagai berikut:
1) Pada saat melamar membawa Ijazah asli bukan surat keterangan lulus.
2) Pas foto terbaru berwarna dengan latar belakang merah tanpa kacamata dan tutup kepala dan menggunakan pakaian berkerah ukuran 3 x 4 cm sebanyak 6 lembar dan 4 x 6 cm sebanyak 6 lembar.
3) Foto kopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk.
4) Kartu Tanda Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning/AK-1) dari Kementerian Tenaga Kerja setempat.
5) Surat Keterangan Terbaru:
a) Sehat jasmani dan rohani dari Dokter Pemerintah/Puskesmas (Nomor Sket harus tercantum), dengan melampirkan hasil laboratorium Foto Thorax, urine rutin, kimia darah, darah rutin, fungsi hati dan fungsi ginjal.
b) Tidak mengkonsumsi/menggunakan narkotika, psikotropika dan zat adiktif lainnya dari Dokter Rumah Sakit Umum Setempat (RSUD) dan Nomor Sket harus tercantum.
c) Tidak dalam keadaan hamil bagi pelamar wanita dari Dokter Pemerintah/Puskesmas (Nomor Sket harus tercantum)
6) Surat lamaran ditulis tangan sendiri menggunakan tinta hitam huruf kapital/balok dan ditanda tangani bermaterai Rp. 6.000,- serta ditempel foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 3×4 cm tanpa tutup kepala dan kacamata, ditujukan :


Yth. Kepala Staf Angkatan Udara
U.p. Kadisminpers
Mabesau – Cilangkap


Jakarta – 13870

7) Foto kopi akte kelahiran/kenal lahir.
8.) Foto kopi Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (dari Polres/ Polresta/ Poltabes setempat).
9) Foto kopi sertifikat keterampilan yang dimiliki.
10) Foto kopi ijazah dan transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir dengan ketentuan :
a) S-1 dan D-3 dilegalisir oleh Rektor/Dekan/Pembantu Dekan Bi-dang Akademik/Ketua/Pembantu Ketua Bidang Akademik/ Direktur/ Pembantu Direktur Bidang Akademik.
b) SLTA/sederajat, SLTP/sederajat dan SD dilegalisir oleh Kepala Sekolah yang bersangkutan (apabila nama sekolah berubah harus melampirkan surat keterangan perubahan tersebut).
11) Nomor urut 2 sampai dengan nomor urut 10 masing-masing rangkap 3, dimasukan ke dalam map folio dengan ketentuan warna :
a) Dokter Umum/Dokter Gigi/Psikolog : Merah
b) S-1 Tenaga Kesehatan : Kuning
c) D-3 Tenaga Kesehatan : Hijau
d) S-1 Tenaga Teknis : Biru
c) D-3 Tenaga Teknis : Merah Muda

Para pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan akan mengikuti seleksi akademis meliputi : Tes Pengetahuan Umum (TPU), Tes Bahasa Inggris dan Tes Bakat Skolastik (TBS) tanggal 10 November 2010 sampai dengan 11 November 2010.

a. Dalam kegiatan pengadaan para pelamar tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
b. Sponsorship tidak mempengaruhi proses penerimaan dalam pengadaan CPNS TNI AU.
c. Lamaran yang sudah diterima tidak dapat diminta kembali.

Info Penting lain (harap di download):

- Formasi dan lain-lain

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Info Telkomsel Trainee Program 2010

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PT Telekomunikasi Selular, better known as Telkomsel is the leading Indonesian cellular telecommunication company. It is a subsidiary of PT TELKOM, the Indonesian PSTN incumbent and a government-owned company, holding 65% of the Telkomsel equity. Telkomsel claims itself as the biggest GSM provider in Indonesia and the first company in Asia to offer GSM prepaid service and 3G services. The Singaporean incumbent operator SingTel owns 35% of Telkomsel. Telkomsel’s Board of Directors consists of five members, three of whom are appointed by PT Telkom and the remaining two by SingTel.

By the end of March 2009, Telkomsel had 72.1 million customers which based on industry statistics represented an estimated market share of approximately 50%.

Telkomsel provides cellular services in Indonesia, through its own nationwide dual-band GSM 900-1800 MHz, 3G network, and internationally, through 341 international roaming partners in 180 countries (end of March 2009). In September 2006, Telkomsel became the first operator in Indonesia to launch 3G services.

The company provides its subscribers with the choice between two prepaid cards-simPATI and Kartu As, or the post-paid kartuHALO service, as well as a variety of value-added services and programs. On March 20, 2009, Telkomsel and Apple Inc. South Asia Pte. Ltd. launched iPhone 3G in Indonesia with customized price plans for all Telkomsel’s customers.

Telkomsel Trainee Program, 12 months duration of program, Placement All Over Indonesia, Offering to be Telkomsel’s Permanent Employee after pass the program, Available position:

Network Trainee
Information Technology Trainee
Commerce Trainee
Account Management Trainee
Legal Trainee
Finance trainee
Human Resource

1. Network Trainee

S1 degree in Electrical Engineering majoring Telecommunication/ Telecommunication Multimedia
GPA min.3.0 scale 4.0
Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply. Having 1 year experience with relevant tasks will be an advantage.

2. Information Technology Trainee
S1 degree in Informatic Engineering/ Information System/ Electrical Engineering majoring Computer System
GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0
Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.
Commerce Trainee
S1 degree in Management/ Marketing Management/ Business, Communication/ Industrial Engineering
GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0
Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.

3. Account Management Trainee
S1 degree in Management/ Marketing Management/ Business/ Communication/ Industrial Engineering/
Telecommunication/ Informatic Engineering
GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0
Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply. Having 1 year experience with relevant tasks will be an advantage.
Knowledge/ Skills : Communication Skill, Presentation Skill, Negotiating Skill.

4. Legal Trainee
S1 degree in Legal
GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0
Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.

5. Finance Trainee
S1 degree in Finance/ Accounting/ Taxation
GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0
Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.

6. Human Resource
Profession Program/ S2 degree in Psychology
GPA min. 3.0 scale 4.0
Fresh Graduates are welcome to apply.

You must have :
Excellent interpersonal and communication skill
High motivation
Eager to learn
Good command in English both oral and written

Submit your CV to online application through
Most people are coming to this page searching for : telkomsel trainee program, information technology trainee telkomsel 2010, LEGAL TRAINEE TELKOMSEL, lowongan telkomsel finance trainee oktober 2010, nerwork trainee lowongan telkomsel october 2010, network trainee telkomsel lowongan kerja, TELKOMSEL TRAINEE PROGRAM 2010

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nfo Lowongan di Axis - PT Natrindo Telepon Selular Jawa Barat Oktober 2010

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PT Natrindo Telepon Selular, a progressive and dynamic mobile services operator seeking to expand aggressively in Indonesia. We invite highly talented, dedicated and passionate profesionals to be part of a very dynamic and challenging environment

Area Sales Supervisor - Jawa Barat
Tanggung jawab :

* Memastikan pencapaian penjualan
* Mengembangkan, mendistribusikan dan memperluas jaringan/outlet
* Bekerjasama dengan distributor dalam pengembangan produk
* Memastikan KPI dan memonitor tercapainya KPI ASS.

Kualifikasi :

1. Min. S1 (segala jurusan)
2. Min. memiliki pengalaman 1 – 3 tahun di area yang sama (berasal dari perusahaan telekomunikasi adalah nilai tambah).
3. Mampu mengoperasikan computer atau lap top (Excel, Power Point, Word, email, lain-lain)
4. Memiliki kemampuan memimpin dan berkepribadian baik.
5. Bersedia di tempatkan di wilayah Jawa Barat.

Kirim lamaran dan CV anda (max.200 KB) ke:

Cantumkan kode jabatan dalam subyek email anda. Contoh : ASS - Jawa Barat
Proses seleksi akan di laksanakan di Jakarta/Bandung

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nfo Lowongan Administration, Account Executive di PT Asuransi Jiwa Central Asia Raya (CAR)

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PT Asuransi Jiwa Central Asia Raya, In order to expand our business and to increase our service in Indonesia, PT. A.J. Central Asia Raya, one of National Insurance Company established since 1975 (owned by Salim Group), the one and only life insurance company that has been awarded Golden Award by one of national financial magazine for being “best performer” for eight years consecutively, need young professionals, dynamic and creative to fill the position of:

Account Executive (AE)


* Male/Female max 30 years old
* Bachelor degree of any discipline from reputable university
* GPA min 2.75 of 4.00
* Driving License is a must
* Good Interpersonal and Communication Skill
* High Motivated and Fast Learner

Administration (ADM)

General Requirement:

* Female, max 28 years old
* Fresh Graduate with excellence recommendation are welcome to apply (GPA min 3.00 of 4.00)
* High motivated and fast learner
* Good Interpersonal and Communication Skill

Customer Service Claim (ADM CS):

* Diploma form nurse
* Willing to work with shift time

Procurement (ADM PR) :

* Bachelor degree of any discipline
* Good Negotiation Skill

Accounting/Finance (ADM ACC/FIN):

* Bachelor degree of Accounting/Finance Management
* Good Analytical and Mathematics

For compensation, we offer you basic salary, commission, and remuneration.

Experience Interested applicants please send your complete CV and photo:
Wisma CAR Life Insurance BLOK A-C
or email: employment@car.co.id

Put the code on the top left corner of envelope or subject email
Only short listed candidates will be invited for selection process

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Lowongan Kerja Danone

Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010 · 0 komentar

Danone is the world’s fastest moving consumer goods company, today focus in Dairy, Beverages, Baby Nutrition , Medical Nutrion which its misson to bring health through food to the largest number of people. Danone Aqua , as part of Danone Group, is a leading Beverage Company in Indonesia and no.1 Water producer in the World, currently is searching talent to join our company as :

Danone STAR Program - Indonesia

What if You Could Change The Rules?

The closer you look, the more you realize that Danone is a business that Dares to be diferrent. Yes, we're a major global business with leading brandds in the market, not only in Indonesia, but all over the world.

But, if you notice, we focus exclusively on products that benefists our customer's health; we're actively exploring ways to bring nutrition and economic growth to the developing world; and we give our people the freedom they need to succeed on their own terms, too.

So, what's stopping you?

If you are:

* Ambitious graduate with daring attitude, strong leadership, and intelligently curious
* Graduated form leading university with GPA min. 3.00
* Fluent in English both verbal and written
* Excited to be assigned to Danone unit all over Indonesia

Join our STAR program and experience how can you do it your way. The program will prepare you to become future leader by exposing you to various business functions and providing you with skills needed for your development

Send your application (max.150 KB) no later than October 21, 2010, to:

* All applications will be treated confidentially.
* Only short-listed candidates will be notified

www.danonepeople.com for further information regarding Danone.

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BADAN NASIONAL PENANGGULANGAN BENCANA (BNPB) membuka LOwongan CPNS BNPB 2010 terbaru. Informasi Pengumuman seleksi formasi dan persyaratan CPNS BNPB 2010 bisa dilihat disini

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»» Informasi Lowongan Management Trainee at WIKA (Persero) 2010

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Management Trainee at WIKA (Persero)

WIKA was born out of the nationalization process of a Dutch company bearing the name Naamloze Vennotschap Technische Handel Maatschappij en Bouwbedijf Vis en Co. or NV Vis en Co. Pursuant To Government Regulation No. 2 / 1960 and Minister of Public Works and Electric Power (PUTL) Decree No. 5 dated 11 March 1960, WIKA was established with the name of Perusahaan Negara Bangunan Widjaja Karja. WIKA’s line of business at the time was electrical and water pipe installation works.    

In the early 1960s, WIKA took part in the construction project of Gelanggang Olah Raga Bung Karno on the occasion of the Games of the New Emerging Forces (GANEFO) and the 4th Asian Games in Jakarta.

With the passing of time, various improvements were made in order to continue growing as well as contribute to nation-building by providing construction services throughout the country.

The first significant growth occurred in 1972, when the name Perusahaan Negara Widjaja Karja was changed to PT Wijaya Karya. WIKA then developed into a construction contractor by handling various important projects such as the installation of electricity grids at Asahan and the Jatiluhur irrigation project.

A decade later, in 1982, WIKA underwent expansion with the establishment of several new divisions, namely the Construction Civil Division, Building Division, Housing Facilities Division, Concrete and Metal Products Division, Industrial Construction Division, Energy Division, and Commerce Division. The projects handled at the time included among others the LIPI Building, the Bukopin Building, and the Building and Irrigation Project. Moreover, with the progressive growth of its subsidiaries in the industrial sector WIKA was transformed into an integrated and synergetic infrastructure company.

The skills of WIKA personnel in the construction industry have pushed the Company to further explore the various areas in which it does business by establishing a number of subsidiaries in order that they can become independent as business ventures that specializes in creating their own respective products. In 1997, WIKA founded its first subsidiary company, namely PT Wijaya Karya Beton, a reflection of how fast the Concrete Division was growing in WIKA at the time.

PT Wijaya Karya Beton’s activity at the time , among others, is the provision of rail tracks for the construction of the Manggarai double-track lane in Jakarta, the construction of the Grati Steam-powered Power Station (PLTGU) and also the Barelang Bridge in Batam. The PT Wijaya Karya Beton measure was then followed by the establishment of PT Wijaya Karya Realty in 2000 as a natural progression of the Realty Division. Subsequently in the same year PT Wijaya Karya Intrade was also established as the progression of the Industrial and Commercial Division.

As the Company developed more and more, so too did the public’s confidence in the Company’s capability. This was reflected in WIKA’s success in launching its Initial Public Offering/IPO on 27 October 2007 at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (known at the time as the Jakarta Stock Exchange). During the IPO, WIKA released 28.46 percent of its shares to the public, so that the government of the Republic of Indonesia held 68.42 percent, while the rest was owned by the public, including WIKA employees, through the Employee/ Management of Stock of Option Program (E/MSOP), and Employee Stock Allocation (ESA).

Meanwhile, the measure of developing Divisions into selfsufficient subsidiary companies continued to be taken. In 2008 WIKA established subsidiary company PT Wijaya Karya Gedung that specializes in the development of high rise buildings. WIKA also acquired 70.08 percent shares of PT Catur Insan Pertiwi that specializes in the field of mechanical-electrical. Then PT Catur Insan Pertiwi was renamed into PT Wijaya Karya Insan Pertiwi. In 2009, together with PT Jasa Sarana and RMI, established PT Wijaya Karya Jabar Power specializes in the development of geothermal power station (PLTP) projects.

In the mid of 2009, WIKA together with other companies have succeded in completing the Suramadu Bridge, a prestigious project that connects Java and Madura islands. Currently the project have been enjoyed by the community at large.

Entering 2010, WIKA is faced with a changing business environment with greater challenges. Thus, WIKA has defined a new vision which is the Vision 2020, to become one of the best integrated EPC and Investment Companies in South East Asia. The vision is believed to provide direction to every WIKA’s line of business to achieve optimum growth, healthy and sustainable.

A Leading multinational construction company is expanding its business in various Power Plant EPC Projects, Mining, Oil & Gas and Investment. To fulfill the requirements needed, we seek talented and experienced Indonesian nationals to fill the position of

Management Trainee (MT)


Bachelor degree in :

Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Engineering Physics


Min. GPA 2.75
Age max. 28 years old
Preferably male
Computer literate : Microsoft / open office (Word, Excel, Project, Power Point)
Fluently in English and Familiar report in English
Ready to work in remote area & under pressure
Fresh graduate are welcome to apply

Please send your CV and application to :
bumnrecruit@gmail.com, mentioning the position applied in the subject of the email (MT).Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further interview

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Lowongan di PT Suryaraya Ruberindo Industries (Astra group) Oktober 2010

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PT Suryaraya Ruberindo Industries (Astra group) produsen ban sepeda motor berteknologi mutakhir dari jepang dan jerman, adalah supplier Federal Tire, ban orisinil sepeda motor Honda dan Pionir dalam menciptakan ban balap berperforma tinggi FDR tire. Seluruh produk dirancang dan diproduksi sesuai dengan standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) dan pengakuan internasional dengan sertifikat sistem mutu ISO 9001:2008.

PT Suryaraya Ruberindo Industries mengajak anda individu-individu muda dinamis yang siap berkembang, prestatif dan senang bkerja dalam tim, mengembangkan karir pada posisi :

1. PURCHASING (PCH-09) : S1 Teknik Mesin/Industri
2. ACCOUNTING ANALYST (ACC-09) : S1 Akuntansi
3. MARKETING (MKT-09) : S1 Semua jurusan
4. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ANALYST (IT-09) : S1 Teknik Informatika/Komputer
5. LEGAL ANALYST (LE1-09) : S1 Hukum
6. ENGINEERING (ENG-09) : S1 Teknik Mesin/Teknik Elektro
7. GENERAL AFFAIR OFFICER (GA-09) : S11 Semua jurusan
8. PARAMEDIS (PA-09) : D3 Keperawatan
9. ENVIRINMENT HEALTH SAFETY SECURITIES (EHSS-09) : D3 Kesmasy/Teknik Industri/Mesin/Elektro
10. LEGAL STAFF (LE2-09) : D3 Administrasi Negara


1. IPK min 2.80
2. Mempunyai kesehatan mental dan fisik yang baik
3. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer
4. Bekerja keras dan mempunyai daya tahan stress
5. Mempunyai analisa berpikir yang baik
6. Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik/berkelakuan baik
7. Mampu bekerja secara efektif baik individu maupun dalam tim dan bersedia ditempatkan di cileungsi, BOGOR

Kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, Fotocopy ijazah/transkrip akademik, foto 4×6 terbaru melalui ke :


dengan subject e-mail kode lamaran yang anda pilih

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Penerimaan CPNS di Badan Pertanahan Nasional RI Tahun Anggaran 2010/2011

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Nomor 6/Peng-100/X/2010

Dalam rangka pengisian formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) tahun 2010 yang lowong, Badan Pertanahan Nasional Republik Indonesia memberi kesempatan bagi putra-putri terbaik bangsa untuk menjadi Pegawai Negeri Sipil melalui seleksi penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Golongan II dan Golongan III Tahun Anggaran 2010 dengan kualifikasi pendidikan sebagai berikut :

1. Magister Antropologi : 1 orang
2. Magister Hukum : 2 orang
3. Magister Sejarah : 2 orang
4. Sarjana Hukum : 75 orang
5. Sarjana Teknik Geodesi : 100 orang
6. Sarjana Geografi : 75 orang
7. Sarjana Ekonomi : 50 orang
8. Sarjana Ilmu Administrasi Negara : 10 orang
9. Sarjana Pertanian (Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian/Ilmu Tanah) : 75 orang
10. Sarjana Komputer (Teknik/Manajemen Informatika) : 20 orang
11. Diploma III Akuntansi : 75 orang
12. Diploma III Komputer : 50 orang
13. Diploma III Administrasi Pertanahan : 60 orang
14. Diploma I Pengukuran dan Pemetaan Kadastral : 275 orang


I. Persyaratan Umum :

1. Warga Negara Indonesia yang bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, setia dan taat kepada Pancasila dan UUD 1945.
2. Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap yang dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian.
3. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit organisasi Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I. di seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia yang dinyatakan dengan Surat Pernyataan yang ditandatangani di atas materei Rp 6.000,-.
4. Berkeadaan sehat, dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani yang dibuat oleh Dokter Rumah Sakit Pemerintah.
5. Tidak mengkonsumsi/menggunakan narkotika, dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan Tidak Mengkonsumsi/Menggunakan Narkotika, Psikotropika, Prekursor dan zat adiktif lainnya dari unit pelayanan kesehatan pemerintah.
6. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil/Anggota TNI/POLRI maupun pegawai swasta yang dinyatakan dengan Surat Pernyataan yang ditandatangani di atas materei Rp 6.000,-.
7. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan tidak sedang terikat perjanjian atau kontrak kerja dengan instansi lain yang dinyatakan dengan Surat Pernyataan yang ditandatangani di atas materei Rp 6.000,-.
8. (Persyaratan nomor 2 s/d 7 dilengkapi setelah dinyatakan lulus seleksi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I).

II. Persyaratan Khusus :

1. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal :

a. Magister
Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta terakreditasi A : 3,25

b. Sarjana
Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta terakreditasi A : 2,75
Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Swasta terakreditasi B dan C : 3,25

c. Diploma III
Lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta terakreditasi : 2,75

2. Usia :

Minimal pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2010 telah berusia 18 tahun untuk semua tingkat pendidikan (yang lahir sebelum 1992)
Maksimal pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2010 :
1) Magister : 34 tahun (yang lahir setelah 1 Oktober 1976)
2) Sarjana : 28 tahun (yang lahir setelah 1 Oktober 1982)
3) Diploma III : 25 tahun (yang lahir setelah 1 Oktober 1985)
4) Diploma I : 34 tahun (yang lahir setelah 1 Oktober 1976)


1. Pendaftaran secara online dibuka mulai hari Selasa tanggal 12 Oktober 2010 sampai dengan hari Jumat tanggal 22 Oktober 2010.
2. Pendaftaran dilakukan melalui website Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I. di http://www.bpn.go.id.
3. Bagi Pelamar yang telah melakukan pendaftaran dan oleh sistem dinyatakan memenuhi syarat, akan mendapatkan nomor registrasi yang harus dicetak, dan untuk selanjutnya dikirimkan bersama berkas persyaratan lain yang ditentukan.
4. Berkas yang harus dilengkapi meliputi :

a. Surat lamaran yang ditandatangani di atas materei Rp 6.000,- yang ditujukan kepada:

Tim Pengadaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil
Biro Organisasi dan Kepegawaian Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I.
Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 2 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12110

b. Hasil cetak Nomor Registrasi yang diperoleh pada saat pendaftaran secara online dan ditandatangani.
c. Pas foto terbaru ukuran 3×4 cm (hitam putih) sebanyak 1 lembar (cantumkan nama di belakang foto).
d. Foto kopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku.
e. Foto kopi ijazah berikut transkrip nilai yang dilegalisir oleh :

Universitas/Institut : Rektor/Dekan/Pembantu Dekan I Bidang Akademik
Sekolah Tinggi : Ketua/Pembantu Ketua Bidang Akademik
Akademi : Direktur/Pembantu Direktur Bidang Akademik
f. Foto kopi Penetapan Akreditasi oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi (apabila peringkat Akreditasi tidak tercantum pada ijazah/transkrip) .
(urutan ini berlaku untuk penyusunan berkas pada map lamaran)

5. Surat lamaran beserta berkas lampirannya disusun rapi sesuai urutan dalam map dan dimasukkan dalam amplop coklat dengan dituliskan kata ”LAMARAN” pada pojok kanan atas, dengan warna map sebagai berikut :
a. Warna Merah untuk Diploma I (D I)
b. Warna Kuning untuk Diploma III (D III)
c. Warna Hijau untuk Sarjana (S1)
d. Warna Biru untuk Magister (S2)

6. Kelengkapan berkas sebagaimana tersebut pada angka 4 di atas dapat dikirim melalui Pos atau Jasa Pengiriman mulai tanggal 12 Oktober 2010 dan paling lambat diterima Panitia tanggal 22 Oktober 2010 pukul 18.00 WIB.
7. Alamat tempat tinggal tetap (alamat surat) agar ditulis jelas dan lengkap pada bagian belakang amplop karena akan dijadikan dasar pertimbangan Tim Pengadaan CPNS dalam menetapkan tempat ujian/seleksi peserta dan kepentingan surat menyurat untuk proses seleksi selanjutnya.
8. Tim Pengadaan CPNS tidak menerima serta tidak akan memproses lamaran yang diantar langsung ke Kantor Pusat Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I.
9. Berkas lamaran yang tidak lengkap atau tidak disertai nomor registrasi dinyatakan tidak memenuhi syarat.
10. Bagi pelamar yang pada saat seleksi terakhir/pemberkasan diketahui telah memberikan/mengisi data yang tidak benar pada saat mendaftar, Tim Pengadaan CPNS berhak membatalkan keikutsertaannya dalam seleksi penerimaan CPNS Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I., dan kepada yang bersangkutan dapat dituntut di muka pengadilan.
11. Berkas lamaran yang diterima Tim Pengadaan CPNS menjadi milik Tim Pengadaan CPNS dan tidak dapat diminta kembali oleh pelamar.


1. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat administrasi yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian tertulis.
2. Nama calon peserta ujian yang memenuhi syarat administrasi dan lokasi ujian akan diumumkan kemudian melalui website Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I. dengan alamat http://www.bpn.go.id dan Papan Pengumuman pada Kantor Wilayah Badan Pertanahan Nasional Provinsi serta Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I., Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 2 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan.
3. Pengumuman melalui website dan Papan Pengumuman dapat dianggap sebagai surat panggilan ujian.
4. Pelamar yang memenuhi syarat administrasi diwajibkan mengunduh Tanda Peserta Ujian Tertulis melalui website Badan Pertanahan Nasional Republik Indonesia.


Waktu Ujian/Seleksi : ditentukan kemudian
Tempat Ujian/Seleksi : ditentukan kemudian
Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus ujian tertulis akan diseleksi dengan ujian wawancara.


1. Seleksi penerimaan CPNS Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I. tidak dipungut biaya apapun.
Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I. tidak bertanggung jawab atas pungutan atau tawaran berupa apapun oleh oknum-oknum yang mengatasnamakan Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I. atau Tim Pengadaan CPNS, sehingga peserta diharapkan tidak melayani tawaran untuk mempermudah penerimaan sebagai CPNS Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I.
2. Lamaran yang dikirim kepada Badan Pertanahan Nasional R.I. sebelum pengumuman dan sesudah waktu yang ditentukan dianggap tidak berlaku.

Dikeluarkan di Jakarta
pada tanggal 12 Oktober 2010
NIP. 19531015 198103 1 007

Pengumuman lain :

- Pengumuman CPNS BPN
- Petunjuk Pendaftaran Online
- Pendaftaran Online

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Lowongan Kerja Matahari Departement Store

Kamis, 23 September 2010 · 0 komentar

Matahari Putra Prima, Tbk a leading Retail company in Indonesia which has been well known as shopping destination, as the most preferred retailer for customer and Indonesian family. Consistently brings value and fashion-high products and services to enhance the costumers’ quality of lifestyle. If you’d like to work in service line of our business, key positions are waiting for you!

Job & Responsibilities :
You will be responsible for preparing buying budget; sourcing and managing the merchandise mix for the achievements of targeted sales & profits, and increase market share; monitoring merchandise performance (sales analysis); planning merchandise clearance; and also responsible for brand reporting requirements.


* Minimum S1 degree from reputable University
* Minimum 5 yeras relevant experience in similar position in retail.
* Comfortable working with numbers, organized, strong analytical skills, good detail orientation.
* Must have a thorough knowledge of fashion lifestyle and sharp business sense
* Fluent in English & computer literate
* Willing to be placed at Lippo Karawaci

Qualifications :

* Female, age between 25-35 years old.
* Min. Diploma in Secretary from reputable Academy, GPA ≥ 3,00
* Min. 2 years experiences as Secretary or Personal Assistant.
* Excellent skill in English (oral and written) is a must
* Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), having excellent office clerical skills in performing secretarial duties
* Having good analytical ability, strong communication & coordination skill
* Detail-oriented, well-organized, and able to thrive in fast-paced
* Willing to be placed at Lippo Karawaci

If you’re match with the qualifications & ready for the challenges, turn yourself in!

PT. Matahari Dept. Store, Tbk
Matahari Department Store
Lippo Cyberpark, Jl. Boulevard Gajah Mada #2138
Lippo Karawaci – Tangerang 15811

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Lowongan Kerja Matahari Departement Store

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Matahari Putra Prima, Tbk a leading Retail company in Indonesia which has been well known as shopping destination, as the most preferred retailer for customer and Indonesian family. Consistently brings value and fashion-high products and services to enhance the costumers’ quality of lifestyle. If you’d like to work in service line of our business, key positions are waiting for you!

Job & Responsibilities :
You will be responsible for preparing buying budget; sourcing and managing the merchandise mix for the achievements of targeted sales & profits, and increase market share; monitoring merchandise performance (sales analysis); planning merchandise clearance; and also responsible for brand reporting requirements.


* Minimum S1 degree from reputable University
* Minimum 5 yeras relevant experience in similar position in retail.
* Comfortable working with numbers, organized, strong analytical skills, good detail orientation.
* Must have a thorough knowledge of fashion lifestyle and sharp business sense
* Fluent in English & computer literate
* Willing to be placed at Lippo Karawaci

Qualifications :

* Female, age between 25-35 years old.
* Min. Diploma in Secretary from reputable Academy, GPA ≥ 3,00
* Min. 2 years experiences as Secretary or Personal Assistant.
* Excellent skill in English (oral and written) is a must
* Proficient in MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point), having excellent office clerical skills in performing secretarial duties
* Having good analytical ability, strong communication & coordination skill
* Detail-oriented, well-organized, and able to thrive in fast-paced
* Willing to be placed at Lippo Karawaci

If you’re match with the qualifications & ready for the challenges, turn yourself in!

PT. Matahari Dept. Store, Tbk
Matahari Department Store
Lippo Cyberpark, Jl. Boulevard Gajah Mada #2138
Lippo Karawaci – Tangerang 15811

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Lowongan Kerja Toyota Astra / Auto 2000

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PT.ASTRA International Tbk – TOYOTA ( known as AUTO 2000 ), the biggest Toyota Main Dealer in Indonesia with more than 70 branches around Indonesia, opening vacancy as : MANAGEMENT TRAINEE for being :

Qualification :

* Max age 26 years old
* Bachelor Degree, Machinery or Electronic engineering
* Active in Organization
* Willing to be placed all over Auto2000 branches
* Good teamwork & Excellent communication skill
* Career Path : Kepala Bengkel (Kabeng) / Kepala Spareparts (Kapart)

Subject at your email / envelope: MT-AS

Qualification :

* Max. age 26 years old
* Min. Bachelor Degree, majoring Industrial Engineering / Human Resources Management, (Preferably Master Degree)
* Active in Organization
* Interested in Human Resource Area
* Good teamwork & Excellent communication skill
* Placed in Head Office
* Career Path : OD Supervisor in Human Resource Department

Subject at your email / envelope: MT-OD

If you are interested, please send to recruitment@tso.astra.co.id :

1.Your complete CV with your latest picture
2.Your previous & current JOB DESCERIPTION in English if you have experience
3. Your certificate and transcript

Or send your complete application and CV to :

Up : Ajeng HRD
Auto2000 Head Office
Jl. Gaya Motor III No. 3
Sunter 2, Jakarta Utara
Not more than 30 Sept 2010

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Lowongan Kerja Migas P.L.P September 2010

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Prima Langkah Pratama ‘s core business is to provide Consultancy Services in Indonesia for the OFFSHORE, ONSHORE OIL & GASINDUSTRY Formed in 1993, P.L.P is an entrepreneurial and client focused organization.

It has won its reputation not only for its practical approach to operational issues, but also for its culture of dedication and integrity and extended proven experiences of operations in Indonesia.

P.L.P is further committed to providing these services in such amanner that the result achieved is of the highest quality while maintaining bothcost efficiency and the highest Health, Safety and Environment standards.


Required Experience and Skills:
• Minimum 10 (ten) years working experiences in Gaophyscal Geologycal (Hydrography Survey in oil and gas industry.
• He / She shall have a complete awareness of health, Safety and Environment Rules.
• Has experiences and goodknowledge related to seabed and sub-seabed geology, geophysical method and tools, recent sedimentation as well as geodetic mapping and positioning.
• Strong knowledge and familiarwith geophysical method and its tools for engineering survey, including interpretation of data acquired.
• Fluent in English. HelShe shall be able to produce precise, factual and reliable reports of activities.
• Strong knowled9e of all type of geophysical survey procedures aid specifications, Its processing as well as interpretation and reporting.
• Familiar with AutoCAD or other CAD Software.
• Able towork in a team and have agood personality

The Geophysical Specialist is responsible for the following:
• Assist and supervise in any geophysical surveys for construction, drilling and any other users.
• Assist and supervise in swamp offshore rig move including well setting.
• Managing supervision of all construction work within project under PSC contract. With respect to the existing project organization.

Scope of work:
The duties shall include but not be limited to thefollowing:
• Assist during construction scope otworkof call for tender EPSC contracts toensure alicompany regulationarid specificationwere included
• Review and comment all survey procedure from contractor in line with company specification.
• Assist during engineering survey by company, prior to Basic Engineering.
• Assist during engineering survey by contractor including the endorsement survey
• Manage supervision of any event during construction, site preparation and installation, in with its survey content is significant.
• Post in Balikpapan /Site/Field/Onboard

Please send your CV and one photograph to address below:

Attn: HRD PT. Prima Langkah Pratama
PO BOX 7988 / JKSKM – Jakarta 12730
or email: cezacd@plp.co.id or nani_hassan@plp.co.id

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lowongan Human Resource Officer PT Hero Supermarket, Tbk

Jumat, 17 September 2010 · 0 komentar

We are one of the famous leading retail player in Indonesia, PT Hero Supermarket, Tbk, which have affiliation in Asia Pacific is seeking potential candidate to fill up the following position to become a part of our team:


To make sure manpower needs in Supermarket Stores, and Distribution Center (Cibitung) are sufficient and efficient by implementing redeployment, recruitment and career development, and to make sure all HR practies handled appropriately according to company policy and government regulations.


Young and energetic with ambition to develop company interest & image with Human Resource and industrial relation function

Having a bachelor or master degree any discipline
Having at least 3 years experience in the same position and have a strong understanding about labour law and its practices
Strong knowledge of HR Development, Industrial Relations especially liaise and communications with government and society
Good team player
English proficiency both oral and written is essential

If you meet the requirements above, please send your application with recent photograph within 2 weeks after this advertisement to:

Human Resources Division
PT. Hero Supermarket, Tbk.
Jln. Gatot Subroto No.177A – Kav.64
Jakarta 12870

or by email to :

manager_recruit@hero.co.idmanager_recruit@hero.co.id  or recruit@hero.co.idrecruit@hero.co.id

Only short listed will be invited

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Recognized as one of major world players in palm oil industries, PT. Smart Tbk is eager to work together with competent talents as our Key Members for the following positions
MANAGEMENT TRAINEE – Mechanical / Electrical

1. Male, max. 28, Single
2. S1 – Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical with min. GPA.2.85.)
3. Highly motivated, strong in analytical & creative.
4. Willing to be located in all company operation area.

PLS VISIT www.smart-tbk.com

SEND YOUR CV TO : hrdref@smart-tbk.com with subjek : MT

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Lowongan Officer Development Program (ODP) Bank Internasional Indonesia (BII) September 2010

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Dalam rangka meningkatkan kinerja bisnis di seluruh cabang, khususnya bisnis SMEC (Small Medium Enterprise and Commercial) banking, kami mencari putera puteri daerah Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Indonesia Bagian Timur terbaik yang siap membangun karir, dengan mengikuti :


* ODP-SMEC (Officer Development Program untuk Small Medium Enterprise & Commercial). ODP merupakan program yang menawarkan percepatan karir bagi Anda, putera puteri yang memiliki potensi dan ambisi. Dengan mengikuti training dan program pengembangan intensif selama 12 bulan, Anda kemudian akan ditugaskan sebagai Assistant Manager di unit kerja SMEC, yang ada di jaringan cabang BII di wilayah Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Indonesia Bagian Timur, untuk kemudian dikembangkan menjadi calon pemimpin BII di masa depan. Mengingat pentingnya hal ini bagi pertumbuhan bisnis BII, maka hanya kandidat terbaik yang diharapkan untuk mengisi posisi ini.


* Min. lulusan S1 dari semua jurusan
* IPK Min. 2,75
* Usia maksimum 26 th untuk lulusan S1 dan 29 th untuk S2
* Berorientasi pada target kerja
* Memiliki ketrampilan interpersonal, komunikasi, dan negosiasi yang baik

Kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV, Transkrip, dan foto terakhir, dengan kode ODP-Makassar, paling lambat tanggal 25 September 2010 ke: HC Recruitment and Sourcing, Bank Internasional Indonesia di alamat berikut ini.


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Lowongan Unilever Indonesia

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Lowongan pekerjaan di PT Unilever Indonesia

As one of the world’s greatest consumer goods companies, we offer people with talent, passion and integrity some of the world’s best careers. Unilever Indonesia offers exciting career opportunities.

Asst Brand Manager Rinso Premium

Job Description
* Supporting Brand Manager of Rinso Premium
* Project in handling day-to-day marketing activities, e.g: activity preparation, supplier handling, agencies, etc

* Creatively managing & developing the brand mix: Proposition, Price, Place, Promotion and Product, with focus more in Promotion area, and adequate knowledge in beauty products and digital media.
* Creating “out-of-the-box” ideas in developing the brand to disrupt market, especially for New Product/Brand in the market

* Min 1 years experienced in handling brand in FMCG as Asst. Brand Manager
* Max 28 years old
* Fluent in English
* Min Bachelor degree, Post graduate business degree preferred (MBA)
* Good Project Management
* Good Customer Marketing interface
* Good Commercial accumen- Teamwork spirited, hardworking, self-motivated to complete delegated tasks
* Good project management skill

* Valid until: 30 Sep 2010

Asst Brand Manager Sunlight Diswash

Job Description
* Supporting Brand Manager of Sunlight Diswash in handling day-to-day marketing activities, e.g: activity preparation, supplier handling, agencies, etc
* Creatively managing & developing the brand mix: Proposition, Price, Place, Promotion and Product, with focus more in Promotion area, and adequate knowledge in beauty products and digital media.
* Creating “out-of-the-box” ideas in developing the brand todisrupt market, especially for New Product/Brand in the market

* Min 1 years experienced in handling brand in FMCG as Asst. Brand Manager
* Max 28 years old
* Fluent in English
* Min Bachelor degree, Post graduate business degree preferred (MBA)
* Good Project Management
* Good Customer Marketing interface
* Good Commercial accumen- Teamwork spirited, hardworking, self-motivated to complete delegated tasks
* Good project management skill
* Valid until: 30 Sep 2010

Asst. MSO Planning and Demand Planning (5 Position)

Job Description
* To assist Supply Planning Manager in managing supply planning operation for one or more categories covering the FG stock optimization to support the customer service target, balance the production plan vs stock, managing and control the right materials, plan and monitor the promo and relaunch planning, minimize business waste, support the business requirement in optimize the working capital

* Min 1 year experience in FMCG as PPIC, Demand & Supply Planner
* Minimal S1, preferable from Technical Background i.e. Industrial Engineering
* Good blend of material planning, production & demand planning knowledge
* Knowledgeable in MPS, MRP, Project / Network Monitoring, BPCS/SAP application
* Able to supervise effectively small team/groups (3-5 people) & influence others
* Able to work together effectively with other functions
* Have a good sense on commercial aspect and business plan
* Capability to influence others, have strong integrity and drive people
* Interdependent, team work, hold people accountable
* Able to work together in team as well as working independently
* Customer Service Mindset, open and humble
* Valid until: 30 Sep 2010

Asst Consumer Market Insight Shopper Manager

Job Description
* Assist CMI Shopper Insight Manager in leading Shopper agenda through conducting Shopper research studies and disseminate result that applicable for both category and Customer Development team. The work include interaction with regional and global shopper team. The work will require someone who has experience in market research, preferrably in shopper related area.

* Minimum 1 years experience as Marketing Research Assistant Manager
* Age max 28 yrs old
* Minimum Bachelor Degree (Industrial & Statistic)
* Fluent English is a must
* Team work spirited, hardworking, self-motivated to complete the delegated task
* Having the ability Figures

* Valid until: 30 Sep 2010

Asst Trade Category Manager

Job Description
* Assist Trade Category Management Manager is tasked to assist Trade Category Manager in Developing and implementing customer/channel specific category plans and POP drivers (Including assortment, shelf-layout, promotion and price) based on category and shopper insights to grow market share within responsible category. Also support by conducting category review to ensure category performance and category understanding.

* Experience min 2 years in FMCG as Asst. Trade Category/ Trade Category Manager
* Min 1 to 2 years customer facing, Key Account Management, field sales experience
* Experience Brand Building in FMCG as Asst. Brand Manager min 1 years
* Max 32 years old
* Fluent in English
* Min Bachelor degree
* Valid until: 30 Sep 2010

ABM Lifebuoy Shamphoo & Stella Project

Job Description
* Supporting Brand Manager of Lifebuoy Shampoo and Stella Project in handling day-to-day marketing activities, e.g: activity preparation, supplier handling, agencies, etc
* Creatively managing & developing the brand mix: Proposition, Price, Place, Promotion and Product, with focus more in Promotion area, and adequate knowledge in beauty products and digital media.
* Creating “”out-of-the-box”" ideas in developing the brand to disrupt market, especially for New Product/Brand in the market

* Min 1 years experienced in handling brand in FMCG as Asst. Brand Manager
* Max 28 years old
* Fluent in English
* Min Bachelor degree, Post graduate business degree preferred (MBA)
* Good Project Management
* Good Customer Marketing interface
* Good Commercial accumen- Teamwork spirited, hardworking, self-motivated to complete delegated tasks
* Good project management skill
* Valid until: 30 Sep 2010

Out of Home Manager

Job Description
* Preparing and implementing the customer marketing plan (CMP) for each channel/customer within his/her responsible category by preparing and implementing promotion and activation plan that supports the objectives/message of our brands and the customer. Also support the development execution ofbrand/category solutions & activities for Customer/Channels based on fully integrated, shopper, customer and channel insights.

* Min 3 – 5 years working experience in FMCG (relevant in Sales and Marketing)
* Experience in beverage industries is preferable
* At least 1 to 2 years Account management/ Field Sales experience
* Min 1 to 2 years Brand Building experience is ideal
* Customer Facing experience combined with Brand Building experience is ideal

* Valid until: 30 Sep 2010

Human Resources Business Partner

Job Description
* Delivers HR support to the Divisional team and ensuring HR delivery is in fully aligned to business goals in their area of business
* Supports managers and teams in business delivery through enhancing their capability to deliver company targets, manage their people, implement change and build relations with key stakeholders (internal and external)
* Utilises the talent development process and tools delivered by the Expertise Teams in order to provide and develop the diverse talent pipeline for both the short and medium term needs of the company
* Collaborates with the business for the creation a high performance culture by implementing team and organisation design solutions, providing measurable performance indicators and improvement plans.
* Brings HR insight (including Employee and Industrial Relations) to bear on all people related issues (people, capabilities, organisation, leadership and culture)
* Ensures and facilitates HR service delivery to the business
* Interfaces with many roles, for example SDC (Service Delivery Centre), Peoplelink, other HRBPs, Expertise Teams, HR Clients, Unions, etc.

* University graduate with minimum 5 years professional experience in HR
* Relevant experience in HR systems and processes, preferably in FMCG environment
* Good knowledge of key HR processes, roles and responsibilities across the entire HR lifecycle
* Prefer to have experience in HR Business Partnering role. Should knows key issues to look out for in HR and when to get expertise teams involved
* Ideally has had experience of HR service centre environment and/or expertise teams as well as hands-on HR management experience in thebusiness
* Local terms applied.
* Valid until: 30 Oct 2010

Assistant Electrical Manager

Job Description
* Provide the special skill in Electrical, Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICAE) for Utility Plant, Electrical Power Equipment, Control & Automation and Process & Packing Equipment

* Min D3 Electrical Engineering
* Max age 35 years old
* Min 5 year experience in Electrical Engineering field
* Preferably with experience in handling electrical project (Green Field Project)
* Understanding the electrical standards such as PUIL 2000 and IEC 60364
* Understanding industrial electrical network distribution system (from Medium voltage to Low Voltage) and capable of Power System Analysis (Electrical Study, Standard and Poor ‘Short Circuit Analysis, Discrimination Study, etc)
* Strong electrical engineering design & justification and good supervision in the field, particularly related to aspects of electrical safety
* Having experience in the electrical distribution system maintenance for process plant/manufacturing
* Valid until: 30 Sep 2010

Assistant ICAE Manager

Job Description
* Provide the special skill in Electrical, Instrumentation, Control and Automation (ICAE) for Utility Plant, Electrical Power Equipment, Control & Automation and Process & Packing Equipment

* Min D3 Electrical/ Electronic Engineering or Physics Engineering
* Max age 35 years old
* Min 5 years working experience in Instrumentation, Control, Automation, and Electrical Engineering
* Preferably with working experience in large project related with the Instrumentation, Control, Automation and Electrical
* Understanding the electrical standards such as PUIL 2000 and IEC 60364
* Understanding the instrumentation and control standards such as ISA S88, ISA 5.1, and ISA S20
* Strong in engineering design
* Good supervisory skill in field, especially related to safety aspects
* Willing to be placed in Rungkut – Surabaya
* Valid until: 30 Sep 2010

Should you interested please apply at following link.

Apply Online here

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Info Lowongan IT di Oberthur Technologies Terbaru September 2010

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Oberthur Technologies - A leader in security solution is expanding its research and development center in Jakarta and looking for talented individuals to join the company. At Oberthur Technologies, you will LEARN the latest mobile security technology. You will DEVELOP the state-of-the-art security solution. You will GROW and contribute to creating Jakarta Center of Excellence
We are currently looking for talented people to fill the positions as follow :

1. Engineer – Software Development
2. Engineer – Software Testing

Requirements :

1. Have minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from computer science, informatics engineering, or other related major
2. Have knowledge in C, C++, Java programming language
3. Have knowledge in Embedded system and/or microcontroller (no. 1)
4. Experience in managing the team, min. 1 year is preferred
5. English communication
6. Have Experience in Software Development Lifecycle

Just forward your referral resume and related documents to :


or by post to:

P O BOX 4914 JKTM 12700

Website :

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Info Lowongan Credit Analyst PT Toyota Astra Financial Services September 2010

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TA Finance, is a fast growing company, joint venture between Toyota Financial Services Corp., Japan and PT Astra International Tbk., which focuses on automotive finance throughout Indonesia. We are committed in providing exceptional service to its customers with the aim of

“To be the Preferred Financing Solution for Toyota Ownership through Service Excellence”

Credit Analyst
(Jakarta Raya)


* Bertanggung jawab untuk melakukan proses analisa terhadap aplikasi kredit dengan mengacu kepada kritria kredit yang ditentukan, prosedur dan kebijakan resiko. Mengambil keputusan persetujuan kredit yang sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku


* Min. S1 Akuntansi dengan IPK min. 3.00 dari universitas ternama
* Mempunyai pengalaman min. 2 tahun sebagai Credit Analyst (lebih diutamakan di perusahaan pembiayaan atau bank)
* Kemampuan analisa
* Kemauan untuk mendapatkan informasi secara mendalam
* Kepercayan diri dalam membuat keputusan
* Kemauan untuk belajar mengenai profil pelanggan, kredit dan industri
* Kemampuan komunikasi
* Semangat memberikan pelayanan yang prima

Kirimkan lamaran Anda beserta CV & foto ke:
PT. Toyota Astra Financial Services
Mega Plaza Building lantai 8
J.L. HR Rasuna Said kav. C-3
Jakarta 12920

hanya kandidat yang sesuai yang akan dipanggil

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Seni Mempromosikan Diri

Senin, 13 September 2010 · 0 komentar

What’s in a name? Petikan kalimat legendaris yang mempertanyakan arti penting sebuah nama ini mungkin saja menurut Anda sudah tidak relevan dengan perkembangan jaman. Sebab saat ini, nama bukan sekedar penunjuk identitas diri semata, melainkan bisa menjadi aset bernilai tinggi, yang jika dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya dapat mendatangkan keuntungan bagi pemiliknya.

Dengan personal branding, seorang individu membangun citra (image) dan identitas diri tertentu untuk mempengaruhi orang lain agar memiliki persepsi dan emosi yang positif terhadap karakter, kepribadian, kemampuan, kompetensi dan nilai yang ditampilkan. Jika brand image ini telah melekat kuat, dengan sendirinya sebuah nama akan menjadi simbol dan terkenal sehingga menjadi referensi utama manakala hal-hal yang berkaitan dengannya disebutkan.

Personal branding juga diperlukan dalam kepemimpinan, terutama untuk menciptakan efek penokohan atau figure pada diri seorang leader. Prosesnya diawali dengan mengenali siapa diri Anda yang sebenarnya dan bagaimana Anda ingin dikenal. Selanjutnya adalah membangun reputasi dengan mengoptimalkan kekuatan dan keunikan diri yang dimiliki lalu mempromosikannya kepada publik.

Kesuksesan mengelola brand bukan ditentukan oleh seberapa familiar masyarakat terhadap nama Anda, sebab itu baru tahap membangun awareness saja. Personal branding Anda dianggap berhasil manakala Anda berhasil tampil lebih menonjol atau stand out diantara pemimpin lain sehingga publik pun menjatuhkan pilihannya hanya kepada Anda.

Sama halnya dengan produk yang memiliki nilai unik dan dipasarkan dengan strategi yang jitu, Anda juga membutuhkan dua hal penting tersebut dalam membangun personal branding. Masih ada beberapa hal lainnya yang harus diperhatikan untuk menciptakan brand diri yang sukses, seperti cara yang disebutkan di bawah ini:

Kenali kelebihan dan kekuatan diri. Tanyakan pada diri sendiri, “What am I good at?” Cari tahu minat, bakat, keahlian, kemampuan, dan keunggulan Anda yang dapat ditonjolkan. Jika Anda bingung atau tidak yakin, coba ingat-ingat kembali penghargaan apa yang pernah Anda dapatkan atau apreasiasi seperti apa yang pernah diberikan oleh orang lain pada Anda. Personal branding Anda haruslah mencerminkan kekuatan dan kepribadian Anda yang sesungguhnya.

Be unique and different. Secara alamiah, keunikan selalu dapat menarik perhatian. Manfaatkan keunikan yang Anda miliki sebagai ciri khas Anda yang tidak dimiliki orang lain. Kekhasan Anda dapat berupa cara berbusana, cara berbicara, gaya menulis, gaya memimpin, kepribadian, kebiasaan tertentu, dan sebagainya yang sebaiknya dipatenkan menjadi trademark Anda.

Bangun persepsi positif. Dengan modal kemampuan dan keunikan Anda, mulailah bangun persepsi positif tentang diri Anda di mata publik. Selalu ada harapan yang terbentuk di benak publik manakala muncul seorang calon pemimpin, dan tugas Anda adalah memenuhi harapan itu. Tanamkan pada publik bahwa Anda memiliki solusi, memberikan nilai tambah, bermanfaat bagi mereka. Rebutlah kepercayaan publik agar senantiasa tercipta emosi positif tentang diri Anda.

Promosikan diri Anda. Tulis artikel, membuat buku, nge-blog, menjadi pembicara, ikut organisasi profesi, menjalin networking secara online maupun offline. Lakukan berbagai cara agar sosok Anda lebih exist dan dikenal luas. Buat diri Anda populer karena kualitas.

Manfaatkan popularitas untuk kebaikan. Tujuannya, mendapatkan simpati dari publik. Personal branding Anda sebaiknya di-share untuk membantu orang lain. Semakin sering Anda melakukannya, brand Anda akan semakin kuat.

Bersabarlah. Yang ingin Anda capai adalah personal branding yang long-lasting, bukan popularitas instan. Diperlukan kerja keras untuk membangun image sejak dari nol bahkan akan lebih sulit lagi untuk mempertahankannya. Jika Anda telah memiliki brand image yang cukup kuat namun tidak tergerak untuk meningkatkan kualitas diri, bersiaplah karena lambat laun kebintangan Anda akan meredup.

Jadi diri Anda sendiri. Akan sangat melelahkan menjadi seseorang yang bukan diri Anda. Demi popularitas, Anda rela berpura-pura menjadi orang lain dan melakukan sesuatu yang tidak Anda sukai dan kuasai. Personal branding adalah tentang bagaimana menjadi diri Anda sendiri. So, show them the truth within yourself!. Ref : jobsdb

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PT. Astra Intl Tbk – Toyota Sales Operation (AUTO 2000),

the Biggest Main Dealer Toyota in Indonesia with

more than 70 branches around Indonesia

seeking a qualified candidates to occupy the following position :

for being :


Qualification :
Max age 26 years old
Bachelor Degree, Machinery or Electronic engineering
Active in Organization
Willing to be placed all over Auto2000 branches
Good teamwork & Excellent communication skill
Career Path : Kepala Bengkel (Kabeng) / Kepala Spareparts (Kapart)

Subject at your email / envelope: MT-AS


Qualification :
Max. age 26 years old
Min. Bachelor Degree, majoring Industrial Engineering / Human Resources Management, (Preferably Master Degree)
Active in Organization
Interested in Human Resource Area
Good teamwork & Excellent communication skill
Placed in Head Office
Career Path : OD Supervisor in Human Resource Department

Subject at your email / envelope: MT-OD

If you are interested, please send to recruitment@tso.astra.co.id :

1.Your complete CV with your latest picture

2.Your previous & current JOB DESCERIPTION in English if you have experience

3. Your certificate and transcript

Or send your complete application and CV to :

Up : Ajeng HRD

Auto2000 Head Office

Jl. Gaya Motor III No. 3

Sunter 2, Jakarta Utara

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Info Lowongan Manufacturing Engineer PT Fluid Sciences Batam September 2010

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Eaton Corporation is a diversified power management company with 2009 sales of $11.9 billion. Eaton is a global technology leader in electrical components and systems for power quality, distribution and control; hydraulics components, systems and services for industrial and mobile equipment; aerospace fuel, hydraulics and pneumatic systems for commercial and military use; and truck and automotive drive train and power train systems for performance, fuel economy and safety. Eaton has approximately 70,000 employees and sells products to customers in more than 150 countries.
Because of the pivotal role we play, Eaton is committed to creating and maintaining powerful customer relationships built on a foundation of excellence. From the products we manufacture to our dedicated customer service and support, we know what’s important to you.
We currently have a vacancy in our Batam operation and would like to invite highly motivated individuals to grow with us in this position:


Provide technical leadership and support for the development and implementation of process techniques and methods in Bellows and Seals manufacturing.

Essential Functions:

* Prepare manufacturing process documentation for new parts in support of the product transfer plans.
* Evaluate and make recommendations for manufacturing tooling maintenance to ensure production throughput levels are maintained.
* Provide capacity review and planning support as directed by superiors.
* Provide MRB and ECN support to ensure production line impact is minimized
* Provide support for product transfer activities.
* Provide support in performing Manufacturing process Continuous Improvement.
* Prepare training process plan.
* Create supporting documents; MAD, Process Instruction, etc.
* Troubleshooting and investigating for any process issue.
* Coordinate any formal documentation release; Router, MAD, Process Instruction, etc.
* Able to create mechanical drawing. Understand the first and third angle projection drawing
* Preference for proficiency in computer aided design and Solid Modeling (Catia, Pro-Engineer, Autocad, etc.)

Specialized Knowledge :

* Experience in mechanical component manufacturing.
* Experience with weld quality verification techniques and standards preferred but not essential.
* Knowledge of welding effects on materials and ability to identify and correct common problems (Voids, Inclusions, excess HAZ) preferred but not essential.
* Knowledge of manufacturing process control (ISO); Six Sigma, Lean Mfg
* Experience in Technical Document Creation.
* Knowledgeable in Process Troubleshooting and investigation.
* Experience in using Problem solving tool; Fishbone, 5 Why, etc.

Please email detailed resume with a recent colored photograph to:

Human Resources Manager
EATON Fluid Sciences Batam
Lot 512-513 JL Delima Kawasan Industri Batamindo Muka Kuning,
Batam 29433

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Info Lowongan September 2010 Sebagai Account Officer Program di PT Bank Panin Tbk

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A fast growing local bank in Bogor has a excellent opportunity for highly motivated and qualified individuals in the following position :


General Requirements :

* Min. S1 from any discipline with GPA min. 2.75
* Female / Male, max. 25 years of age
* Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply
* Female min. Height : 154 cm / Male min. Height : 160 cm
* Dynamic, energetic and highly motivated
* Good analytical skills
* Strong communication, presentation and negotiation skills
* Domicile in Bogor, Depok and Cibubur Area

Please send your complete resume with a recent photograph to :

KCU Bogor
Jl.Pakuan No.14 Baranangsiang
Bogor 16143


Email to : hrd-paninbogor@cbn.net.id

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Lowongan Teller dan Branch Manager Retail Funding di PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) September 2010

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PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) didirikan di Bandung pada 5 Februari 1958, yang awalnya bernama Bank Pegawai Pensiunan Militer (BAPEMIL) dengan status usaha sebagai badan perkumpulan yang menerima simpanan dan memberikan pinjaman kepada para anggotanya. BAPEMIL memiliki tujuan untuk membantu meringankan beban ekonomi para pensiunan, baik angkatan bersenjata maupun sipil.

Berkat kepercayaan yang tinggi dari masyarakat maupun mitra usaha, pada tahun 1986 para anggota BAPEMIL membentuk PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional dengan ijin usaha sebagai Bank Tabungan. Pada tahun 1993 status BTPN menjadi Bank Umum.

2008 merupakan tahun penting bagi BTPN. Berbagai pengembangan dan pencapaian signifikan dilakukan. Pada 12 Maret 2008 BTPN sukses melakukan go public dengan melepas saham milik pemerintah c.q. PT Perusahaan Pengelola Aset (PPA) sebesar 28,39%. Pada 14 Maret 2008, TPG Nusantara, S.a.r.l. mengakuisisi 71,6% saham BTPN, sehingga menjadi pemegang saham utama.

Selain terus mengembangkan bisnis inti di pangsa pasar pensiun yang telah menjadi tulang punggung selama 50 tahun, pada akhir 2008 BTPN telah mengembangkan usahanya di pangsa pasar Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Unit Usaha Syariah, dengan membuka 46 cabang btpn l mitra usaha rakyat di seluruh Indonesia dan 2 Cabang Syariah di Bandung dan Jakarta.

Kini, BTPN dikenal sebagai bank publik skala menengah bereputasi prima dan salah satu bank dengan kinerja keuangan terbaik di Indonesia, yang telah meraih berbagai pengakuan dalam bentuk penghargaan dari lembaga-lembaga terkemuka dan terpercaya.

We are looking for professional candidates experienced in banking industries to fill the position :

1. Teller (Kode : TLR)
(Jakarta , Surabaya dan Makasar)

Tanggung Jawab :

Menerima dan melayani semua transaksi tunai dan non tunai nasabah sesuai sistem dan prosedur yang berlaku dengan service yang memuaskan serta melakukan retensi nasabah guna mendukung pencapaian target funding cabang.

Kualifikasi :

* Pendidikan min. S1 semua jurusan dengan IPK min.2,75
* Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 25 tahun
* Lebih diutamakan berpengalaman di industri perbankan minimal 1 tahun
* Mempunyai jiwa Service Oriented
* Berpenampilan menarik, percaya diri dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
* Memiliki integritas yang tinggi

(Jabodetabek, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Sumatera, Sulawesi, Kalimantan)

Tanggung Jawab :

Memimpin dan mengelola cabang Retail Funding untuk mencapai target funding yang ditentukan serta memberikan layanan prima kepada seluruh nasabah

Kualifikasi :

* Pendidikan S1 semua jurusan dari Universitas ternama dengan IPK min.2,75
* Pria/Wanita, usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Pengalaman di Industri perbankan 4-5 tahun dan 2-3 tahun memimpin cabang
* Memahami dan mengimplementasikan system dan prosedur operasional bank
* Memiliki leadership dan selling skill yang baik

Kirimkan surat lamaran beserta CV, pas foto dan kelengkapan dokumen lainnya kepada :


Cantumkan kode posisi diikuti dengan daerah yang diminati
Contoh : TLR-Jakarta
(format file : *doc, *pdf, *zip, max 300kb)

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Tips Berburu Kerja di Bursa Kerja

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Umumnya perusahaan-perusahaan memanfaatkan bursa kerja untuk merekrut dan melakukan seleksi awal karyawan level entry dan middle. JAdi, bagi Anda dari kalaangan mahasiswa, fresh graduate, atau pun profesional, ayo gunakan ajang ini untuk berburu kerja. Selain bisa mendapatkan informasi pekerjaan, sajang ini juga bisa Anda manfaatkan untuk memperluas network dan mendapatkan informasi mengenai perkembangan di bidang Anda.

Nah, agar kunjungan Anda ke bursa kerja semakin efektif, ada beberapa hal yang perlu dipersiapkan:

Kenali Jenis Job Fair

Terkadang ada ajang bursa kerja yang diselenggarakan untuk mengakomodasi kebutuhan akan tenaga kerja pada bidang tertentu, misalnya di bidang marketing saja. Tidak jarang pula sebuah perusahaan khusus menyelenggarakan bursa kerja untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rekrutmen mereka sendiri. Beberapa universitas juga sering menyelenggarakan bursa kerja khusus untuk bidang teknologi informatika. Itu sebabnya, perlu mengetahui informasi jenis bursa kerja yang akan Anda kunjungi dengan jelas agar Anda tidak salah tujuan.

Jangan Hanya Window Shopping

Mengapa harus membuang waktu dan tenaga untuk datang jika Anda hanya ingin jalan-jalan dan melihat-lihat dengan pikiran siapa tahu ada pekerjaan yang cocok. Datanglah ke job fair dengan persiapan serius layaknya Anda sedang mencari kerja. Pasalnya, ajang bursa kerja selalu dipenuhi pengunjung. Apalagi saat keadaan ekonomi global maupun nasional sedang tidak stabil dan banyak perusahaan harus mem-PHK karyawan mereka. Persaingan mencari kerja akan semakin ketat. Jadi, manfaatkan ajang ini sebaik-baiknya.

Cari Informasi Rinci

Ketahui denah bursa kerja atau letak booth perusahaan-perusahaan incaran Anda. Dengan begitu, Anda tidak perlu repot berkeliling membuang waktu saat mencoba melamar di perusahaan tersebut. Selain hemat waktu, juga lebih tepat sasaran. Selamat berburu! (Erma Dwi Kusumastuti/Majalah Chic). ref : kompas

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Lowongan Kerja Hotel Aston International 2010

Senin, 06 September 2010 · 0 komentar

Aston International Indonesia currently manages hotels, resorts, residences, spas, villas, private homes, executive clubs and office towers as well as associations and property management.
The Aston brand name in Indonesia is synonymous with excellence and quality. We believe the Aston brand name carries a significant degree of awareness and standing in the market place. Aston has five categories for the different standards of hotels, residences and villas – each using the Aston International brand name. As well as these categories, there are also boutique villa properties which are mostly located on the resort island of Bali.

Aston International has almost one hundred years experience in managing some of the most profitable hotels and hospitality businesses in the world. Management companies like Aston are hired because we know both what works best and most efficiently.
Anyone can throw money at a problem; we throw our ideas and a never give up attitude. We concentrate on finding the optimum solution which meets the Owner’s budget and strategic goals. Our track record of consistent success and growth in generating operating profits has meant that Aston International has become one of the preferred management companies for owners seeking results. With a growing middle class market across Asia, Aston foresees significant demand in the 2 and 3 Star categories – fave hotels (2 star) and Quest Hotels (3 star).

Aston International has proven itself the leader in the highly specialized field of setting up and managing serviced apartments in conjunction with guarantee income programs for investors. From the very beginning of helping to develop and analyze the viability of a guarantee program to the planning of the master and sub associations, Aston has an unmatched record of successfully establishing these programs while maximizing profits for serviced apartments in Indonesia.

A sanctuary for business and leisure travelers, the Aston Bogor Hotel and Resort provides an effortless, comfortable atmosphere. With the perfect combination of international standards and Javanese hospitality – each guest will experience a unique, personalized experience.

We are looking for dynamic young people and hotel professionals to join one of the finest teams in the city.

1. Sales & Marketing :
Banquet Sales Coordinator, Senior Sales Manager, Sales Manager, Sales Executive, Sales Coordinator, Design Graphics, Reservation Agent.

2. Finance & Accounting
Accounts Payable Supervisor, Credit & AR Supervisor, General Cashier, Night Auditor, Buyer, Receiving Clerk, Storekeeper.

3. Front Office Department
Asst FOM, Front Desk Agent (Female), Concierge Captain, Bell Driver

4. Food & Beverage
Asst Food&Beverage Manager, Restaurant Manager, CDP, Demi Chef, Commis, Minibar Attendant, Head Bartender, Pastry Chef, Pastry/baker, Butcher, Cold Kitchen

5. Housekeeping
Asst Housekeeper, Laundry Supervisor, Linen Attendant, Gardener, Florist / Decoration.

6. Engineering
Asst Chief Engineer, Engineer Supervisor, Technician, Carpenter, Painter, Handyman

7. HRD
Training Coordinator, Chief Security

- Excellent command in both written and spoken English, Master in other foreign languages will be an advantage.
- Perfect health and attractive appearance.
- High self-confidence and possess an outgoing personality.

A Complete CV along with recent color photo should be sent to the below address, mentioning the position applied for and expected salary to: recruitment@astonbogor.com

All applications will be treated confidentially & only qualified candidate wiil be notified.

The Jungle – Bogor Nirwana Residence
Jl.Dreded -Pahlawan Bogor 16132
Any W Djajoeki
Director of Human Resources
Aston Bogor Hotel & Resort

The JUNGLE – Bogor Nirwana Residence
Jl. Dreded Pahlawan Bogor 16132
West Java – Indonesia
t: +62-(0) 251-9241322
f: +62-(0) 251-8200702
m: +62-(0) 813 875 42340
e: hrd@astonbogor.com
w: www.Astonbogor.com

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Lowongan Kerja Panasonic

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PT. Panasonic Gobel Indonesia is a joint venture sales company, looking for qualified personnels with high motivation and initiative. If you can work in a team and are willing to work hard in a highly dynamic and demanding situations, we invite you to fill our vacant position as:

Finance Supervisor (Code: Fin. SV)

* S1 in Economy Accounting or Economy Management
* Male, Single, around 30 years old
* Good knowledge and familiar with Standard Costing, Financial Accounting, Tax and Inventory Control
* Having job experience min 3 years as Finance Supervisor preferably in Manufacturing Company

Production Technical & Export Staff (Code: PPE)

* Polytechnic in Mechanical, Electro or Electrical Engineering (for Production & Technical Position)
* Majoring in Mechanical, Economy Management, Business Administration (for Export Staff)
* Male, max 25 years old
* From reputable Polytechnic or University
* Good knowledge and understanding of Measuring & Dimension, Drawing, PLC, Electrical Shooting, Machine Maintenance

Administration Staff (Code: ADM)


* Female, max 30 years old

* Min D3 in any major from reputable university
* Excellent in English both oral and written having TOEIC with min score 750 or TOEFL min score 550
* Having Japanese language proficiency Certificate min level 3

IT Development Staff (Code: IT)

* S1 or D3 in Electrical Information, Informatics Engineering, Electronic
* Male or Female, Single, max 26 years old
* Good knowledge and understanding of Web Design & Programming, SQL Server, Programming Application, Crystal Report

General Requirements:

* Min GPA 2,75
* Familiar with MS Office (Word, Excel, Power Point and Computer Programming especially Oracle System)
* All position should be willing to be places and lived in Bekasi, Jawa Barat
* Good communication in English both oral and written

If you meet the requirements, please submit your comprehensive resume (CV), certificates, including expected salary and recent photograph not later than Friday 24 September 2010 to:

Human Resources Development
PT Panasonic Gobel Energy Indonesia (PECGI)
Kawasan Industri Gobel
Jl Teuku Umar Km 44 Cikarang Barat - Jawa Barat, Bekasi 17520
Please put the position code on the top left of the envelope
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified

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Lowongan Kerja Pramugari Garuda Indonesia

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PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)is the national airline of Indonesia. It is named after the mythical bird Garuda. It is headquartered at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang. In Indian Vedic tradition, Garuda is the carrier of the Hindu god Vishnu; a representation of Garuda appears in the coat of arms of Indonesia.

The airline is based in Jakarta at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and also has a hub at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. The airline flies to a number of destinations in South-East,East Asia, the Middle East and Australia. It also previously flew to several destinations in Europe and North America. From June 2007 to July 2009, Garuda, along with all Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU. However, this ban has been lifted since July 2009.

Garuda Indonesia is listed as a 4-star airline by Skytrax, and is also listed among Skytrax's Quality Approved Airlines. It is wholly owned by the Indonesian Government and employs 6,285 staff (at March 2007)

Fligh Attendant (Pramugari)

Pramugari Garuda Indonesia criteria :

Between 18 - 24 years old
Educated at least SMA / Kejuruan
Height : minimal 160cm
Healthy and not wearing glasses
Fluent in English
Dress code :
Bright half arm blouse, dark knee length skirt, high heels

Come and bring you application, CV, 1 recent full body photograph (postcard size) and 1 close up photograph (4x6 size)

Walk in Interview
September 25, 2010
08.00 - 14.00
Gedung Garuda Indonesia, Jl. Kebon Sirih No.44 Jakarta Pusat

Contact :
Human Capital Management
PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)
Ground Floor-Garuda City
Bandara Soekarno-Hatta Cengkareng

Saudara Giring telp. 021 25601042 atau Saudari Annisa telp 021-25601038
Email: recruitment@garuda-indonesia.com

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Job Interview TipsPractice

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Job interviewing never seems to get any easier - even when you have gone on more interviews than you can count. You are meeting new people, selling yourself and your skills, and often getting the third degree about what you know or don't know. Here are job interview tips to help prepare you to interview effectively. Proper preparation which help alleviate some of the stress involved in job interviews.

Practice answering interview questions and practice your responses to the typical job interview questions and answers most employers ask. Think of actual examples you can use to describe your skills. Providing evidence of your successes is a great way to promote your candidacy.


Prepare a response so you are ready for the question "What do you know about our company. Know the interviewer's name and use it during the job interview. If you're not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions.


Take a look at my Job Interview Tips Videos, so you'll be sure to dazzle a potential employer and leave the right impression.

Get Ready

Make sure your interview attire is neat, tidy and appropriate for the type of firm you are interviewing with. Bring a nice portfolio with copies of your resume. Include a pen and paper for note taking.

Be On Time

Be on time for the interview. On time means five to ten minutes early. If need be, take some time to drive to the office ahead of time so you know exactly where you are going and how long it will take to get there.

Stay Calm

During the job interview try to relax and stay as calm possible. Take a moment to regroup. Maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Listen to the entire question before you answer and pay attention - you will be embarrassed if you forget the question!

Show What You Know

Try to relate what you know about the company when answering questions. When discussing your career accomplishments match them to what the company is looking for.

Follow Up

Always follow-up with a thank you note reiterating your interest in the position. If you interview with multiple people send each one a thank you note.

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