
Jumlah BUMN Menjadi 81 Saja di Tahun 2012

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011 · 0 komentar

Dari 142 Badan Usaha Milik Negara yang ada saat ini, pada 2012 nanti hanya akan tersisa 81 BUMN, karena pemerintah akan melikuidasi 61 BUMN.

Hal tersebut diutarakan Menteri BUMN Mustafa Abubakar, saat berada di Makassar untuk meresmikan Makassar sebagai hub ketiga Garuda.

Menurutnya, pada 2011 ini sudah dipastikan ada 3 BUMN yang akan dilikuidasi dan sedang dalam proses yaitu, Primisima, Padalarang, dan Sarana Karya. Ketiga BUMN tersebut ada yang akan diambil dan bergabung dengan BUMN lain.

Setelah ketiga BUMN tersebut, akan menyusul beberapa BUMN seperti Balai Pustaka, Perfileman, BUMN perkebunan, kehutanan, termasuk Pelindo yang juga akan mengalami penyusutan.

“Balai Pustaka, misalnya, akan dijadikan Badan Layanan Umum (BLU) di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan, Perfilemana Kenkominfo,” jelas Mustafa.

Dijelaskan Mustafa, untuk perkebunan, seperti PTPN yang jumlahnya 15, akan menyusut menjadi satu saja, Perhutani yang berjumlah enam juga menjadi satu, demikian Pelindo juga yang berjumlah empat akan dijadikan dua.

“Dengan adanya likudasi dan penyusutan BUMN ini pastinya terjadi penghematan, efisiensi dan penguatan. Meski demikian tidak berarti kita menyia-nyiakan SDM yang ada, karena pengurangannya juga tidak akan drastis. Kan akan ada yang pensiun,” pungkas Mustafa. (LN/OL-3) – media indonesia

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30 Tips Meningkatkan Traffic Blog

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Berikut ini adalah 30 tips untuk meningkatkan traffic blog yang saya
peroleh setelah saya blogwalking ke berbagai blog milik para master
SEO agar trafik blog cepat naik. Semoga tulisan ini bermanfaat untuk anda, dan berikut ini adalah
30 tips untuk meningkatkan traffic blog tersebut :

1. Mendaftarkan blog ke Search Engine

Kalo ini wajib hukumnya. Daftarkan blog anda keberbagai search engine
utamanya Google, Yahoo dan MSN agar blog anda terindex oleh mesin

2. Tulis Content Secara Kontinyu

Dalam blog content adalah yang utama, jadi pastikan tulisan anda
mendapat perhatian lebih dan sesuai dengan tema blog. Kalo bisa sih
tulis postingan yang berkualitas dan berbobot. Tidak seperti tulisan
saya yang amburadul di blog ini, hehe....:)

3. Template Blog

Desain dan layout blog juga menentukan apakah pengunjung akan betah
berlama-lama di blog anda atau tidak. Pastikan navigasi, warna dan
elemen-elemen dalam blog tidak error, juga hindari broken link ( link
rusak ). Untuk itu pilihlah template blog secara seksama.

4. Domain Sendiri

Tips ini adalah salah satu yang belum bisa saya realisasikan.
Menggunakan nama domain sendiri akan membuat blog anda tampak lebih

5. Meta Keywords

Edit template blog anda dengan memberi meta keywords pada title,
keywords dan descriptions. Ini sangat berguna untuk SEO.

6. Submit ke Site / Blog Directory

Daftarkan blog anda keberbagai site / blog directory seperti
blogcatalog, topblogarea, topbloglist, dsb.

7. Link Exchange

Cara ini cukup populer dan sering digunakan dikalangan blogger. Tukar
link dengan blog lain terutama yang mempunyai tema yang sama akan
cepat menaikkan peringkat blog anda di mata search engine dan akan
membawa traffic.

8. Link Internal

Link postingan anda antara yang satu dengan yang lain yang mempunyai
topik sama. Kalo bisa gunakan anchor text yang relevan agar hasilnya
lebih maksimal untuk SEO.

9. Sign Up ke Social Bookmarking Site

Sign Up ke Social Bookmarking Site seperti Digg, Reddit atau
Stumble Upon dan dapatkan plugin untuk dipasang di blog anda. Jika
artikel anda disukai oleh pembaca maka mereka dapat mensubmit artikel
anda ke Social Bookmarking Site melalui plugin tersebut.

10. Dummy Blog

Buat blog-blog baru untuk mendukung blog utama anda. Beri link menuju
blog utama di blog-blog tersebut. Selain mendapatkan backlink untuk
SEO, diharapkan pengunjung yang datang ke blog-blog dummy anda
tersebut dapat dikenalkan ke blog utama anda.

11. Download Gratis

Buat artikel / template untuk download gratis e-book, software, mp3
atau yang lainnya. Mayoritas netter menyukai hal-hal yang berbau

12. Tagging Image

Tagging image adalah memberi identitas / nama pada gambar atau image
di postingan. Ini berguna agar image anda terindex oleh search engine.

13. Iklan Baris

Ini juga untuk mencari backlink. Iklankan blog anda di situs-situs
iklan baris dan beri link menuju blog anda. Salah satu yang terbaik adalah www.kirimiklan.com. Silahkan anda mencoba dan rasakan traffic yang meningkat ke blog anda.

14. Comment di Blog Lain

Berjalan-jalan ke blog lain dan beri komentar terutama pada blog yang
mempunyai tema yang berhubungan dengan blog anda. Dikolom komentar
biasanya disediakan tempat untuk menuliskan URL pemberi komentar.

15. Subscribe Feedburner

Gunakan layanan feedburner untuk pengunjung yang ingin berlangganan
artikel blog anda via email. Ini menjaga pengunjung blog anda agar
selalu tahu tentang update blog anda dan menarik mereka kembali.

16. Gosip Terbaru

Tulis sesuatu yang sedang tren, gosip terbaru dan terpanas atau
sesuatu yang berbau kontroversial. Pastikan optimasi keyword untuk
postingan tersebut tepat, maka blog anda berpotensi ramai pengunjung
dari Search Engine.

17. Sesuaikan Iklan

Jangan menaruh terlalu banyak iklan pada blog agar tidak mengganggu
pembaca anda. Ini juga berguna agar loading page blog anda tidak

18. Gabung di Site Social Networking

Join ke berbagai site social networking atau jejaring sosial dan
tempatkan link blog anda di profil, bulletin atau apa saja yang
memungkinkan. Berbagai jejaring sosial populer dunia dapat anda ikuti
seperti myspace, facebook, friendster dan sebagainya.

19. Belajar SEO

Untuk mendapatkan traffic dari search engine, SEO mutlak diperlukan.
Perdalam kemampuan optimasi content dengan belajar SEO ke blog-blog
yang tenar dan sudah terbukti kehebatan ilmu SEO-nya.

20. Beli Iklan

Jika ada dana lebih, tidak ada salahnya anda membeli iklan di Google
Adwords, AdsenseCamps dan sebagainya. Anda dapat mendatangkan traffik
dengan instan dan cepat.

21. Join Forum dan Mailing List

Join ke berbagai forum dan mailing list yang berhubungan dengan tema
blog anda dan tempatkan link / signature di tempat yang memungkinkan.
Aktiflah di forum atau mailing list tersebut dan anda akan mendapatkan
trafik dari sesama anggota forum / mailing list.

22. Buat Award atau Penghargaan

Buatlah award berbentuk banner dengan tema seperti "Neno's Blogger
Award", "Blogger Award 2009" dan sebagainya. Berikan award tersebut
kepada 10 blog lain yang anda percaya dan minta mereka untuk memberi
backlink kepada blog anda selaku pemberi award. Dan mereka juga dapat
memberikan award tersebut ke 10 blog lain dengan peraturan yang sama.
Begitu seterusnya.

23. Postingan Berkala

Jadwalkan postingan anda secara teratur agar mudah di index oleh
google dan pembaca tidak bingung dengan jadwal update blog anda.

24. Maksimalkan Google

Gunakan layanan yang diberikan oleh google secara maksimal seperti
google webmaster tools, google analytic dan google alert untuk
mempermudah index google dan membantu memonitor perkembangan blog

25. Event / Kejadian Penting

Tulis tentang even / kejadian penting yang akan berlangsung sebulan
sebelumnya agar tulisan terindex oleh google. Saat event tersebut
tiba, blog anda berpotensi ramai pengunjung yang mencari info tentang
event tersebut di search engine.

26. Sesuatu Yang Baru

Tulis sesuatu yang baru dan jarang diangkat blog lain. Tulisan anda
akan lebih mudah masuk Search Engine Result Page ( SERP ) dan terlihat
lebih orisinil.

27. Postingan List

Kebanyakan blogger tenar menyenangi postingan model list. Selain lebih
efisien, postingan model list lebih mudah dipahami dan simple.

28. Post Pillar

Luangkan waktu untuk menulis post pillar. Post pillar adalah inti dari
blog anda. Pastikan post pillar mendapatkan perhatian lebih karena post pillar inilah yang akan digunakan untuk mendapatkan traffik terbanyak dari blog anda.

29. Submit Postingan ke Article Directory

Submit postingan anda ke article directory seperti GoArticles,
ArticleBiz, dan sebagainya. Selain mendapat backlink, blog anda juga
bisa cepat terkenal jika memang postingan anda benar-benar

30. Guest Blog

Tawarkan postingan anda untuk dimuat di blog orang lain, terutama blog
yang bertema sejenis. Tempatkan link anda di postingan tersebut.
Manfaat Guest Blog hampir sama dengan submit postingan ke article

Semoga cara-cara menaikkan trafik blog diatas berguna bagi anda, terutama yang baru belajar ngeblog seperti saya.

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Lowongan Kerja Indofood

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Indofood has transformed into a “Total Food Solutions” company, engaged in all stages of food manufacturing from production and processing of raw materials through to finished products on the retailer’s shelf. A leader within its industry in Indonesia, Indofood is supported by an extensive distribution system that has made its products household names in every part of the country. The Largest processed food company with an extensive distribution network across the country is looking for professional and qualified candidates for :

(Work Location - Pasuruan)


* Age Max. 26 years
* Education S1 with minimum GPA. Min. 3.00 (Department of Food Technology / Chemistry / Nutrition)
* Have a fun person, love challenges, like travel and communicate fluently both oral and written
* Oriented to Service Excellence & Customer Service
* Master of computer applications and archiving systems
* Have SIM A


* Age Max. 27 years old (Males Preferred)
* Minimum S1 any discipline with GPA. Min. 3.00 (4:00 Scale)
* Experience in Sales Supervisor position at least 3 years
* Have a fun person, love challenges, like travel, communicate fluently and have creative ideas for the betterment of the company.
* Master of computer applications
* Have A Sim
* Willing to be placed in Eastern Indonesia (Bali / NTB / NTT / Papua)

Please send resume application, CV, recent photographs and other supporting attachments to the address: diah.yuliastri@icbp.indofood.co.id

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Lowongan Yahoo Indonesia Mei Juni 2011

Selasa, 24 Mei 2011 · 0 komentar

Think about the affects 1 out of 2 people online – in innovative ways unique and imaginative Yahoo. We do that every day, and you can too. After all, it’s big thinkers like you who will create the next generation of Internet experiences for consumers and advertisers around the world. Now it’s time to show the world what you have. Enter your ideas to work for more than half a billion people.

Mobile QA Engineer, based in Indonesia


* Experience testing native Java ME, Android, and iPhone applications
* Ability to work in a fast-paced, multi-tasking environment
* Fast learner and strong sense of ownership of all the Quality and Processes?Excellent communication
* Excellent problem solving and basic debugging skills
* BS/MS in Computer Science or related field
* 2 years of demonstrated Mobile QA Experience which includes working with automation tools, experience testing broad range of devices, develop test plans, and processes

Yahoo! has been providing the leading edge in Mobile products and services, and enhancing the day-to-day lives of millions of people worldwide. We are looking for an experienced and web savvy, talented, highly motivated, quality, process and success-oriented QA engineers. The individual must have a combination of solid in-depth knowledge of QA, QA’s goals, working with QA and non-QA groups, and extensive background in solid test coverage of complex global Mobile Web and Client applications in a 24×7 global production environment. Automation experience is required in web services, front end testing, and/or client application testing (Java ME/iPhone/Android).

Job Responsibilities:
* Following project milestones, design, implement, document, and/or execute tests; evaluate and communicate results; and investigate product features (including ad hoc testing)
* Create manual test suites for different mobile devices
* Defining test plans and specifications
* Execution of test cases and reporting product failures

Yahoo! Inc. is an equal opportunity employer.

Interested? Email your resume now to Andrew Bellamy at sea-jobs@yahoo-inc.com.

Visit Careers at Yahoo! at


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Lowongan di Bintang Toedjoe

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PT. Bintang Toedjoe mengundang Anda, professional muda yang handal untuk menjawab tantangan kami dan bergabung mengembangkan karir sebagai :



-Pria single, usia maks. 22 tahun

-Pendidikan SMK, jurusan Elektro/ Mesin

-Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Operator IPAL lebih disukai

-Jujur, teliti, tegas dan mampu bekerja sama dalam tim

Bila Anda memenuhi kualifikasi, kirimkan lamaran lengkap paling lambat tanggal 27 Mei 2011 ke:



Jl. Jend A. Yani no 2

Pulomas – Jakarta 13210

Atau melalui email:


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Lowongan Kerja Garuda Indonesia

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PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero)is the national airline of Indonesia. It is named after the mythical bird Garuda. It is headquartered at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang. In Indian Vedic tradition, Garuda is the carrier of the Hindu god Vishnu; a representation of Garuda appears in the coat of arms of Indonesia.

The airline is based in Jakarta at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, and also has a hub at Ngurah Rai International Airport, Bali. The airline flies to a number of destinations in South-East,East Asia, the Middle East and Australia. It also previously flew to several destinations in Europe and North America. From June 2007 to July 2009, Garuda, along with all Indonesian airlines, was banned from flying to the EU. However, this ban has been lifted since July 2009.

Garuda Indonesia is listed as a 4-star airline by Skytrax, and is also listed among Skytrax's Quality Approved Airlines. It is wholly owned by the Indonesian Government and employs 6,285 staff (at March 2007)


* Male / Female
* Indonesian citizen
* Age max. 28 years
* Education min. S1 from reputable university
* Department of Economics / Marketing Management
* Preferably with experience in the field of Marketing & Sales min. 2 years
* Able to operate computer programs (min. MS Office and Internet)
* Mastering English, spoken and written
* Able interesting, have effective communication skills, able to work in teams or individually, results-oriented, have good business acumen, and high analytical ability
* Willing to be placed at any Garuda Indonesia Branch Office, both domestically and internationally


Ensuring the provision of recommendations, opinions and options through analysis, whether they are troubleshooting, improvement suggestions, as well as forecasting of the proposed work plan, the proposed scheme and current investment performance is the result of systematic analysis and assessment based on the rules of business and finance in accordance with the policy Corporate as a basis for decision making and ensure the implementation of approved recommendations to support the achievement of targets.


* Male / Female, age max. 28 yrs
* Indonesian citizen
* Education min. S1 from reputable university majoring in Economics, Management
* GPA min. 3.00 (4:00 scale)
* Experienced min. 2 yrs in the field
* Able and attractive personality, friendly, adaptable, disciplined, and have integrity
* Mastering English (oral and written), master spreadsheet
* Mastering the use of computers, min. Ms Office and internet


1. Ensuring the achievement of On Time Performance (OTP) via the Pre and Post Flight handling Handling and Customer Service
2. Ensuring the Pre and Post Flight Operational handling and Customer Service by Ground Handling Agent (GHA), working in accordance with applicable SOPs
3. Ensure handling of Code Share Agreement for Pre and Post Flight Handling and Customer Service with Other Carrier done according to procedure
4. Ensuring availability of activity reports relating to the Pre and Post Flight Handling and Customer Service
5. Ensure handling of Flight Irregularities by GHA run in accordance with SOP
6. Ensuring availability of Flight report irregularities
7. Ensures implementation of operational activities of flight and in flight catering in accordance with (Service Level Agreement) SLA
8. Ensuring the follow-up findings of SLA, Service Station Report by GHA actionable

Pilot Recruitment For Boeing 737-Series Aircraft
Garuda Indonesia, the national flag carrier of Indonesia, is expanding its Boeing 737 Series fleet and is seeking qualified pilots to be part of our winning team.

We are seeking Rated Captain Pilots Boeing 737-300/400/500 to be converted as Boeing 737-800 (NG) Captain. Candidates must be Indonesian citizens who are fluent in English and of good character.
Specific Requierments :

1. Holding Valid ATPL with Instrument Rating.
2. Holding current rating for Boeing 737-300/400/500 with minimum 3 Take Offs & Landings within last 90 days.
3. Having a minimum of 2000 hours experience on jet aircraft and 1000 command hours on Type Boeing 737-300/400/500.
4. Having Valid First Class Medical Certificate.
5. Hold an ICAO English Proficiency Certificate minimum level IV
6. Passed screening and Proficiency Test conducted by Garuda Indonesia.

Garuda Indonesia offers a highly attractive compensation & benefits package.

To Apply for this opportunity please submit your application and CV by signing into our linked e-recruitment website, Lowongan Garuda within 2 (two) weeks from the date of this adverstisement.

For futher information please call:
Dipo Prima Prajoko (office hour 07.30-16.30 WIB)
Phone: 021-2560 1042 or Mobile: 0812222 8089

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Lowongan Trans Studio Mall Makassar

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Trans Studio Mall is the largest mall in eastern Indonesia's first built by PT. Trans Kalla, Makassar, which is a collaboration between Trans Corporation with the Kalla Group. Trans Studio Mall is positioned as a shopping destination as well as family recreation. Several world-renowned brands have joined forces in Trans Studio Mall such as Mango, Tods, Aigner, Hugo Boss, Gaudi, Armany Jeans, Mothercare, Rotelly, Francesco Biasia and the Metro Department Store

Trans Studio Integrated Mall located in the region who joined the Trans Studio Theme Park and Tower Bank. Currently, Trans Studio Mall requires young professionals Creative & Innovative, to fill the position below:

Customer Service
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* Served as a center of information for the Customer.
* Carry out the functions tenant service (circulation of letters, documents, follow up complaints tenants).


* Minimum SMU / SMK.
* Minimum age 19 years
* Having good interpersonal communication skills
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Can operate the program office (word & excel)
* Based in Makassar or willing to be placed in Makassar

Staff Member Card
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* Served as executor of transactionsin the Customer Redemption Counter .


* Minimum SMU / SMK.
* Minimum age 19 years
* Having good interpersonal communication skills
* Can operate the program office (word & excel)
* Based in Makassar or willing to be placed in Makassar

Visual Merchandise Staff
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* Executing the task of addressing the field of aesthetics / decor mall.
* Implementing set up & dismantle exhibits in accordance with the standard mall.


* Pendidikan minimal D3 (Graphic Design preferred)
* Minimum age 20 Years
* Have knowledge regarding construction techniques and / or graphic design
* 1 year working experience in services, preferably experienced in the Mall / property.
* To operate the office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point, AutoCAD, 3D Max)
* Living in or willing to be placed in Makassar Makassar

Tenant Relation Staff
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* Responsible for the implementation of the tenants and their interaction with the administrative arrangements that accompany it to help create the smooth operation of business tenants in the TSM.


* Minimal S1 (preferably Science Communication)
* Minimum age 25 Years
* Having knowledge about business & management
* 1 year of experience working in services, preferably with experience in the Mall / property.
* Having language skills both spoken and written English
* Can operate the program office (word, excel & power point)
* Having good interpersonal communication skills
* Based in Makassar or willing to be placed in Makassar

Assistant Manager Recruitment & Training
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* Run human resources management system based on procedures set by the company.
* Monitor, analyze and develop strategic measures to support recruitment & development company system.


* Minimal S1 (preferably Psychology / Law / Management)
* Minimum 5 years experience in same field
* Minimum age 27 years
* Able to lead the team and ready to work with tight deadlines
* Having the ability concerning human resources management
* Can operate the program office (word, excel & power point)
* Based in Makassar or willing to be placed in Makassar

Civil Engineering Supervisor
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* Supervise and be responsible for the smooth implementation of development in the Mall area to the whole process of maintenance with other civil implementation team.


* Minimal S1 (preferably in Civil Engineering and Architecture)
* Minimum 3 years experience related field
* Minimum age 27 years
* Able to lead the team and ready to work with tight deadlines
* Having knowledge about construction techniques
* Can operate the program office (word, excel & power point)
* Based in Makassar or willing to be placed in Makassar

Food Court Supervisor
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* To coordinate and make operational reports the Food Court and the Revenue Sharing.
* Monitor and supervise the safety and comfort during operation of the Food Court area.


* Minimum D1 from various majors (preferably F & B)
* Minimum 3 years experience in the field concerned.
* Minimum age 27 years
* Able to lead team
* Having knowledge about hospitality.
* Can operate the program office (word, excel & power point)
* Based in Makassar or willing to be placed in Makassar

Information Technology Executive
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* Design and control of software development and information technology throughout the Department of Trans Studio Mall.


* Minimal S1 (preferably engineering informatics)
* Minimum 3 years experience in the field concerned.
* Minimum age 27 years.
* Able to lead the team and ready to work with tight deadlines
* Having knowledge about business and management
* Able to speak English actively
* Can operate the program office (word, excel, power point, Inventory Purchasing System, Accounting Software & Simpson)
* Based in Makassar or willing to be placed in Makassar

A & P Staff
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* Served as the executive program of activities & event promo Trans Studio Mall.


* Minimum D3 from all majors
* Minimum 1 year experience in event planning, advertising, marketing promotion.
* Minimum age 23 years
* Can operate the program office (word, excel & power point)
* Based in Makassar or willing to be placed in Makassar

Casual Leasing Staff
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* Implementing the marketing of temporary leasing in the mall area.
* Cultivate relationships with event organizers (tenants and non tenants).


* Minimum education D3 (preferably Marketing)
* Minimum 1 year working experience in related field of work
* Minimum age 23 years
* Strong communication, marketing and negotiation
* Can operate the program office (word, excel & power point)
* Based in Makassar or willing to be placed in Makassar

Marketing & Communications Administration
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* Carry out supporting functions for the Marketing & Communication Department Head and the Team Marketing & Communication Other.


* Minimum education D3 (preferred secretary / management)
* Having at least 2 years experience in the field concerned.
* Minimum age 25 years
* Fluent in English active
* Having knowledge about filling and secretary / administration.
* Can operate the program office (word, excel & power point)
* Based in Makassar or willing to be placed in Makassar

Marketing & Communications Department Head
Closing Date: 17 June 2011

* Designing and implementing the marketing strategy planning to increase traffic and transaction tenants.
* Coordinating the performance of Casual leasing, A & P, Customer Loyalty and Visual Merchandising.


* Minimum education S1 from various majors, preferably by the Marketing & Communications.
* Having at least 4 years experience in the same position with a minimum level of Assistant Manager.
* Minimum age 30 years
* Fluent in English active
* Strong communication, negotiation and persuasion good
* Able to lead the team and ready to work with tight deadlines
* Based in Makassar or willing to be placed in Makassar

For those interested candidates, please send your application letter, CV, recent photograph & other supporting documents to: recruitment@transstudioworld.com

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Lowongan Kerja SCTV

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It's our aim here in one of the largest media and broadcasting companies in Indonesia with its nationwide coverage and operations namely PT Surya Citra Televisi (PT SCTV). Our Company has been operating since 1989, continues to grow rapidly until to date and have acquired consistently top 3 positions in audience shares. We invite high competent professionals to join our company as:

Code: [REP-NEWS]
Responsible for the coverage to get the latest news from the actual sources for the news program aired in accordance with the directives of the producer concerned.

Requirements :

1. S1 any discipline, preferably from the journalistic.
2. From reputable university with GPA of at least 3.00
3. Age 23-26 years old.
4. Minimum 1 year experience as a reporter (but fresh graduate are encouraged to apply).
5. Skill competancy : news writing, video & audio techniques, edting, creative.
5. Good looking, at least 160 cm tall.
6. Having good skills in English language.
7. Tenacious, persistent, able to team work, able to work under time pressure, able to work within the extensive work.

Cover letter accompanied by CV, copy of graduate & transcript, color photographs size 4 × 6 can be sent to:

Human Resource Development Division
PT Surya Citra Televisi
Jl. Asia Afrika Lot. 19
Jakarta 0270
Or by email to: recruit@sctv.co.id

Closing date : June, 15th, 2011

Supervisor Corporate Policy & Business Process Improvement (Code: SOP) - Jakarta

* Responsible for the creation/ improvement of business processes and procedures (flowchart).
* Responsible in making the Draft Policy.
* Responsible for the making of the Draft Internal Memo.
* Responsible for the supervision policy documents.


* Male, Max. age 33 years old.
* Graduate min. S1 Accounting/ Ekonomic/ Information Technology/ Computer Science from reputable university with GPA min. 3.00.
* Experience in similiar position min. 3 years as Auditor in Public Accountant.
* Having good knowledge in internal control and accounting system.
* Understanding the broadcasting operations and information systems applications.
* Presentation skills and good analytical power.
* English active both oral and written.
* Discipline and can work in teams.
* Full-Time positions available.
* Closing date: May 31, 2011

Should you interested please send your complete application to:

SCTV Tower - Senayan City
Jl. Asia Afrika Lot. 19
Jakarta 10270
E-mail : recruit@sctv.co.id.

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Lowongan Kerja Sonoco Indonesia

Senin, 23 Mei 2011 · 0 komentar

PT Sonoco Indonesia, a part of a U.S. based multi national company in the manufacture and sales of industrial and consumer packaging products. Due to rapid expansion of our business, we seek suitable candidates who have excellent communications skills in written and spoken English for the following positions. For more information about Sonoco, visit our website at www.sonoco.com on the internet.

Plant Quality / Process Engineer

* Your responsible to managing the product, raw material according to the specs and reporting to Plant Manager. Implementation of Quality System and manage result of test the product according to the specs. Indicating monitor and evaluate quality of the product and raw Material


* Male or Female
* Age between 30-35 years old
* Minimum of 5 years manufacturing management experience in a multinational company.
* University degree in Mechanical or Industrial Engineering (S1)
* Good English oral & written
* Computer literate & statistical software
* Good analytical skills
* Strong people management skills.
* Good knowledge in quality system, understanding ISO 9000 & Quality documentations. Ensuring the smooth operation of plant quality programs which include trains quality personnel & others in quality procedures and use of selected tools. You should also posses good leadership a high sense of safety, excellent supervisor skill, planning and communication skills.

Accounts Manager
Responsibilities :

* Responsible for managing a the accounts n the assorted breadth in java area, able of accretion bazaar allotment of the artefact & absorb absolute market, plan with centralized departments to ensure customer’s charge are met with accomplished satisfaction. Others breadth are account controls, product’s pricing, amount administration and anniversary budget. You will be advertisement to the Sales & Marketing Manager.

Requirements :

* University amount in mechanical, Automated or actinic engineering (S1) from acclaimed University, .
* Accomplished advice abilities in Bahasa, English accounting & announced , the adeptness to acquaint in Mandarin will be preferred.
* At atomic 3 years acquaintance in agnate position, plan adventures in bunch companies in packaging industry ( plastic, film, core, tube, box etc)is an advantage.
* Aggressive , mature, active & has cocky driven.
* Proven clue almanac in sales & marketing
* Age 30 – 35 years.
* Computer community (MS Words, Excel, Power point).
* He/She has able analytic skills, accomplished interpersonal skills, awful motivated to accomplish the result, acceptable ability and adaptability with top amount of integrity.

Management Trainee
Fresh graduate from reputable university local or overseas in technical background with IPK > 3, or 1 year experience in the same position preferred, with proficient spoken and written in english, good interpersonal & communication skill, outgoing person, Hold good organization track, Male, Age between 23 - 27

IT Support Staff
Your responsible to maintaining IT environment. Manage & controlling of internal network system. Handling of workstation and server troubleshooting (hardware / software)

Male, Age 20-25. D3 Informatics/Computer. Experienced min 1 year in the same field. Hands on with web hosting server skill will be advantage. Able to handling multiple assignment with minimum supervision. Able to communicate in English (active/passive). Good communication skills

A competitive remuneration package, commensurate with qualifications and experiences, will be offered to the right candidate. Suitable candidate should submit applications with detailed resume, indicating your current and expected earnings together with photograph to:

Jl. Raya Cicadas KM 9, Gunung Putri, Cikeas – Bogor 19694
e-mail : hrd.recruitment@sonoco.com

Closing date : 2 weeks from advertisement date (only shortlisted candidates will be notified)

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Lowongan Kerja Danareksa

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Danareksa is a state owned Enterprise ( SOE ) established in 1976 as part of efforts by the government of Indonesia to develop the stock exchanged and the capital markets industry in the country. Danareksa has since expanded and grown to become one of the leading domestic investment banking houses. With extensive know how on capital markets, you can be part of the team and bost your career to the next level with a board range of opportunities. Currently we seek high calibre individuals to fulfill the following positions:

Research Analyst (EQR-1010)

* Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1)
* No older than 30 years
* Having a good financial analysis capability
* Experienced at least 2 years as an analyst
* Proficient in English both oral and written
* Closing Date: 30 May 2011

Senior Equity Analyst (EQR-1030)

* Aged between 30 years - 40 years
* Having a good financial analysis capability
* Can perform fundamental analysis and at least 5 years experience as an analyst in the financial industry
* Able in terms of report writing and proficient in English both oral and written
* Closing Date: 30 May 2011

Staff Marketing Communication (DIM-1130)

* Male / female, age between 30-35 years
* Experienced in the field of marketing communication at least 5 (five) years
* Experienced in the financial industry (banking, insurance, capital markets) is
* value added.
* Having good communication skills
* Creative, open minded, energetic, and has extensive networks with the mass media
* Closing Date: 25 May 2011

For those interested candidates, please send your CV and recent photograph to : recruitment@danareksa.com. Please write Code Position as your Email Subject.

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Lowongan Pertamina Training & Consulting

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PT. Pertamina Training & Consulting (PTC) is a subsidiary of PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO), focused on the development of human resource competency in Oil and Gas business by training and consulting services as well as giving business solution.

Our commitment to be a positive influencer reflected in the logo with oil drop and waves which means the benefit of our services is unlimited. Supported by professional experts, as well as local and world wide networks, PTC is ready to support Human Resource Development and provide excellence business solutions for its clients.

Now Pertamina Training and Consulting is opening position for

Secretary (S)

* Female
* Maximum 27 years old
* Minimum Diploma III degree in Secretary with minimum GPA 2.75
* Minimum 1 year experience as Secretary
* Computer literate, Microsoft Office (Word, EXcel and Power Point)
* Highly motivated
* Able to work under pressure

Budgeting & Forecasting (F)

* Male
* Maximum 23 years old
* Bachelor (S1) degree in Statistic/ Financial Management/ Accounting/ Information Management/ Industrial Engineering
* Minimum GPA 2.75
* Understanding Forecasting
* Fluent in English and computer literate, Microsoft Office
* Highly motivated, sufficiency, thorough, familiar working with target

Should you meet above requirements please send your application to : hrd_ptc@yahoo.com. Decision of the selection committee can not be contested.

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Lowongan Migas, HSE exp. Mei 2011

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011 · 0 komentar

We are, National EPCI Company seek urgently needed to be based in Jakarta office for HSE Coordinator/Officer with qualifications as follows;

- Minimum Bachelor Degree in Engineering
- Fluent in English
- Familiar with BAsic HSE Management System

His/her Responsibility would be:

· Maintenance and control of the application of the Company policy and requirements expressed through the HSE Manual, and for giving guidance and assistance to projects in health, safety and environmental matters

· Responsible for monitoring the effective implementation of appropriate Company manuals, plans, procedures and work instruction and providing relevant updates in accordance with changes in legislation and company requirements

· Responsible for monitoring the achievement of the Company HSE objective

· Responsible for reporting, in a pro-active manner, all potential and actual deficiencies detected and for recommending subsequent opportunities for improvement within the Company

· Responsible for maintaining, promoting and improving the Company health, safety and environmental management system

· Responsible for motivating and familiarizing all company personnel respecting the importance of complying with the requirements of Company’s management systems

· To monitor the corrective and preventive action implementation

· To coordinate with other department for health, safety and environmental problem identified

· To communicated about HSE matter for internal and external problem

· To established competency needed by HSE member and identified all the training need

· To facilitate the Company HSE Awareness and Training Program

· To participate in the Company Emergency Response

· To coordinate the Company Health, Safety and Environmental internal and external audit

· To ensure Internal Auditor and Emergency Response Team are properly educated and trained.

- to be able to support in Tender activities and compile data HSE Management system

Please send your application letter with detailed resume/CV, stating details
of qualifications and summary of experiences, present/ expected salary, and
other documents support, current photograph, not later than 1 weeks after
this advertisement to : susieboedja@consultant.com or susilaningsih@yamaengineering.com

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Penerimaan Peserta Office Development Program Angkatan II PT. PJB Services Tahun 2011

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PT. PJB Services (disebut PJB Services) merupakan perusahaan jasa operation & maintenance pembangkit listrik yang merupakan anak perusahaan dari PT. Pembangkitan Jawa Bali (PT PJB) atau cucu perusahaan PT. PLN (Persero), yang berdiri sejak tanggal 31 Maret 2001. Sebelum menjadi sebuah perusahaan, PJB Services merupakan salah satu unit bisnis pelayanan yang dalam usahanya masih bergantung dengan PT PJB. Tujuan dari pendirian PJB Services adalah difokuskan untuk menangani bisnis di luar unit-unit pembangkit PT PJB dan diharapkan dapat menangkap peluang pasar yang semakin terbuka.

Seiring dengan kebijakan Pemerintah yang memberikan kesempatan kepada sektor swasta untuk bergerak dalam bisnis penyediaan listrik, menambah peluang PJB Services di market dalam lingkungan PLN maupun diluar PLN. Secara global, PJB Services telah mempunyai klient di pulau-pulau besar di Indonesia seperti Kalimantan, Jawa, Sumatera dan beberapa klient di luar negeri di antaranya di Kuwait dan Arab Saudi. Untuk membentangkan sayap bisnisnya, PJB Services tidak hanya bekerjasama dengan perusahaan-perusahaan dalam negeri sejenis namun juga perusahaan-perusahaan listrik di negara Korea, Malaysia, United Kingdom, China, Arab Saudi dan Kuwait.

Kami perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa Operation & Maintenance pembangkit listrik membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putra Indonesia berpendidikan terakhir Diploma III (Non kependidikan) yang menyukai tantangan, mau bekerja keras dan bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh area/proyek kerja perusahaan kami (khususnya PLTU Pacitan) untuk bergabung dalam Officer Development Program Angkatan II PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali Services sesuai dengan ketentuan dan syarat yang berlaku.

Program Studi yang dibutuhkan :
Teknik Mesin (DTM)
Teknik Kontrol/ Instrumentasi (DTI)
Nilai Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 2,70 dari Perguruan Tinggi/Swasta berakreditasi minimal B
Nilai TOEFL minimal 400
Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft Office dan Internet

Usia maksimum 26 tahun per 1 Mei 2011.
Sehat jasmani dan mental, tinggi badan minimal 160 cm dan berat badan proporsional.
Tidak bertato dan tidak bertindik.
Bebas Narkoba
Bagi yang berkaca mata, toleransi maksimal 4 dioptri
Mengirimkan berkas lamaran yang terdiri atas :
Pasfoto berwarna 4x6 sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar
Fotokopi KTP/SIM
Surat lamaran menjadi Peserta Officer Development Program Angkatan II yang ditujukan kepada Direktur SDM dan Administrasi PT PJB Services
Daftar Riwayat Hidup (download : Daftar Riwayat Hidup)
Fotokopi Ijazah Terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
Fotokopi Transkrip Nilai terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
Surat Pernyataan bermaterai (download : Surat Pernyataan) berisi antara lain :
Kesanggupan untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT PJB Services dan mematuhi semua aturan yang berlaku di PT PJB Services
Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif lainnya.
Bagi yang mempunyai ijazah lebih tinggi dari tingkat pendidikan yang dilamar, tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimilikinya
Tidak mempunyai ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa pendidikan dari instansi lain yang bersifat mengikat/ikatan dinas.
Surat Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter yang menyatakan keterangan sehat dan tidak buta warna serta mencantumkan tinggi dan berat badan.
Berkas lamaran disusun sesuai dengan urutan diatas (point 7 a sampai dengan h) dan dimasukkan ke dalam amplop, cantumkan :
Kode Jurusan pojok kiri atas amplop surat lamaran.
Alamat lengkap disertai kode pos
Berkas lamaran dikirimkan ke :
Juanda Business Center Blok A4-8
Jl. Juanda No. 1 Sidoarjo
Jawa Timur
Berkas lamaran juga dapat dikirimkan melalui Bagian Administrasi Fakultas dari Universitas yang ditunjuk,
Berkas lamaran yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses.
Berkas lamaran yang telah dikirimkan tidak dapat diambil kembali
Berkas lamaran paling lambat dikirim tanggal 30 Mei 2011 (cap pos)

Seleksi Peserta Officer Development Program PT PJB Services dilakukan dalam beberapa tahap dan berlaku Sistem gugur. Tahapan seleksi sebagai berikut :
Seleksi Administrasi
Tes Akademis dan Bahasa Inggris
Tes Psikologi
Tes Wawancara
Tes Kesehatan
Seleksi Tes Akademis dan Bahasa Inggris akan dilakukan awal Juni 2011.
Pada saat Tes wawancara, peserta diwajibkan membawa :
Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisisan yang berlaku
Fotokopi Sertifikat TOEFL
Fotokopi Akta Kelahiran
Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga
Menunjukkan Ijasah dan Transkrip asli
Semua informasi resmi yang terkait dengan Rekrutmen Peserta Officer Development Program PT PJB Services akan diumumkan melalui website PT PJB Services (www.pjbservices.com)
Biaya pribadi yang muncul selama rekrutment menjadi tanggung jawab masing-masing peserta
Setiap peserta hanya diperkenankan mengirimkan satu dokumen lamaran
Semua tahapan seleksi akan diselenggarakan di Surabaya dan atau Solo/Yogya

Peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seluruh tahapan seleksi berhak mengikuti Officer Development Program PT PJB Services selama 1 (satu) tahun.
Status peserta adalah Peserta Officer Development Program PT PJB Services.
Selama mengikuti Officer Development Program PT PJB Services diberi uang saku/imbalan.
Peserta yang telah mengikuti training tetapi mengundurkan diri diwajibkan membayar ganti rugi biaya rekrutmen dan biaya training.
Peserta yang lulus evaluasi Officer Development Program berhak untuk diangkat menjadi karyawan tetap PT PJB Services dengan masa ikatan dinas selama 3 tahun.

Semua hasil keputusan Tim Rekrutmen tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

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Lowongan Kerja BUMN Sucofindo Mei 2011

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SUCOFINDO didirikan pada tanggal 22 Oktober 1956 sebagai perusahaan inspeksi pertama di Indonesia yang 95% sahamnya dikuasai oleh Negara Republik Indonesia dan 5% dikuasai oleh Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS) Holding, SA.

Berawal dari perkembangan kegiatan perdagangan terutama terhadap komoditi pertanian, kelancaran arus barang dan pengamanan devisa Negara dalam perdagangan ekspor-impor, kemudian melalui kreatifitas, SUCOFINDO melakukan inovasi jasa-jasa baru pada basis kompetensinya seiring dengan perkembangan kebutuhan dunia usaha.

Bisnis Jasa pertama yang dimiliki SUCOFINDO adalah cargo superintendence & inspection, kemudian melalui analysis study dan inovasi SUCOFINDO melakukan diversifikasi jasa, sehingga selanjutnya lahirlah jasa-jasa warehousing & forwarding, analytical laboratories, industrial & marine engineering, fumigation & industrial hygiene.

Saat ini membutuhkan :

Tenaga Supervisi untuk pekerjaan Mekanikal, Elektrikal dan Sipil

dengan kompensasi menarik.

Persyaratan pelamar sebagai berikut :
Laki-laki / Perempuan
S1 Teknik Mesin, S1 Teknik Elektro (Arus Kuat) dan S1 Sipil
Pengalaman kerja min. 2 (dua) tahun di bidangnya
Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani

Surat Lamaran dilengkapi CV, Copy Ijazah, Daftar Nilai dan Copy KTP dikirim ke :

Jl. Kalibutuh 215, Surabaya atau

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Lowongan Kerja Bank Bank Danamon Indonesia Mei Juni 2011

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Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun menjadi rekan bisnis yang memajukan usaha kecil menengah (UKM) dan Commercial di Indonesia, SME Banking & Commercial Business Danamon hingga saat ini tetap memiliki komitmen untuk memberikan layanan produk terbaik untuk fasilitas pinjaman (lending) dan simpanan (funding). Melalui lebih dari 400 cabang dan jajaran Relationship Officer/Manager yang siap memberikan layanan terbaik bagi para pelaku usaha, kami bangga mewujudkan tujuan kami sebagai Employer of Choice.

Bergabunglah dan buka peluang tak terbatas Anda bersama kami sebagai :

Small Medium Enterprise Relationship Officer Trainee (Surabaya, Denpasar, Nusa Tenggara)

Melalui program pelatihan intensif dan terdedikasi, Anda akan belajar menjadi representatif bank dalam menyediakan dukungan terbaik bagi para pelaku usaha melalui pemasaran dan pengelolaan resiko fasilitas pinjaman dan simpanan.

Sarjana S1 dari fakultas Akuntansi, Finance, Management, Marketing, Tehnik Sipil atau Industri dari perguruan tinggi swasta/negeri terkemuka, dengan IPK minimal 2.75
Membuka peluang bagi fresh graduate dan bagi yang memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 (satu) tahun di bidang sales dan marketing akan mendapat prioritas
Memiliki kemampuan analisa bisnis yang tajam dan mendalam
Luwes dalam berkomunikasi dan memiliki jaringan koneksi pelaku bisnis yang luas dan
Bermotivasi tinggi serta mampu bekerja secara individual maupun tim.

Kirimkan aplikasi lamaran disertai foto terkini (tidak lebih dari 1MB) dan cantumkan Kode Posisi serta Kota pada judul email ke:


Atau cantumkan Kode Posisi serta Kota pada amplop lamaran dan kirim ke HR Recruitment:

HR Recruitment
Bank Danamon Indonesia Lt.4
Jl. Gubernur Suryo No. 12 , Surabaya
Untuk Jawa Timur, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara

Pendaftaran ini ditutup 30 Juni 2011

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Sabtu, 19 Februari 2011 · 0 komentar



Singapore National Academy (International School) is a leading International School in Surabaya (Indonesia) that combines the excellence of Singapore Curriculum with the best and most current practices from the Western Pedagogy. We offer three languages: English, Chinese and Bahasa Indonesia. English Language is used as our medium of Instruction.

We invite experienced and qualified persons to fill the following job vacancies :



Male, max 35 years old.
Proficient in oral & written English.
Minimal S1 Engineering degree from a recognized academic institutions in Maintenance, Civil, Electrical or Mechanical Engineering or equivalent.
Experienced in Estate management, preferably in at least 4* hotels, office buildings or school buildings.
Has a good managerial and communication skills.

If you love challenges and look forward to enriching profession, kindly submit your complete resume with latest photograph to :


Singapore National Academy

Raya Pepelegi, Pondok Maspion IV Block GH 1-6
Waru, Sidoarjo 61256 INDONESIA

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Lowongan Female Cabin Crew Qatar Airways

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Qatar Airways Company Q.C.S.C. is the flag carrier airline of Qatar, based in Doha. It operates a hub and spoke network, linking over 80 international destinations. It is among the only six airlines awarded 5-star rating by Skytrax along with Kingfisher Airlines, Cathay Pacific, Asiana Airlines, Malaysia Airlines and Singapore Airlines.

Aim higher and be a winner. Join one of the most awarded airlines in the sky. Qatar Airways, winner of the Skytrax award for Best Cabin Crew in the Middle East, for six consecutive years invites you to be a part of its success story.

Female Cabin Crew

* Minimum age of 23 years old
* Minimum arm reach of 212 cms on tips toes
* Minimum high school education with fluency in written and spoken English required

Take advantage of this exciting opportunity by submitting your CV to our Recruitment Team

Jakarta - (CV Submission Only)
Venue : Balai Kartini Exhibition & Convention Centre
(Anggrek Room) Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 37, Jakarta 12950
Date : 05th March 2011
Time : 09.00 - 12.00 hours only

Please bring your CV in English personally along with full length and passport size photographs. Shortlisted candidates will be required to attend further processes over the next two days

The above position will be based in Doha, State of Qatar

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Newmont Pacific Nusantara (PTNPN) is a mining service company managing all of Newmont’s interests in Indonesia. PTNPN is owned 10 percent by Newmont. PTNPN manages interests including exploration, government relations, taxes and other services. PTNPN is headquartered in Jakarta and has around 70 employees. The External Relations Dept. is looking for potential candidates to fill the following position:

Senior Internal Auditor
Report to:
- Internal Audit Manager
- Internal Audit Supervisor

Location: Jakarta (with extensive travel to site)

The main focus of the position of Senior Internal Auditor is to audit the activities of various Newmont Mining Corporation departments and entities to determine adherence to established plans, policies, procedures and good business practices. Fulfills team leader role on certain audits without direct supervision and participates in more complex audits under the direction of an internal Audit Manager or Internal Audit Supervisor. Trains and supervises the activities of start auditors.

Main duties:

* Under general supervision, performs the following functions:
* Performs assignments requiring understanding and application of audit principles, practices, and concepts.
* Assist in devising own methods to accomplish audits.
* Assist in planning work on assigned segments of the audit and in determining the extent of audit testing and workpaper content.
* Review transactions, documents, records, reports, processes, and procedures and prepare audit workpapers, recording and summarizing date.
* Discuss audit findings with operating personnel to verify facts and obtain background information to support conclusions and reach agreement with client.
* Assist as requested with the summarization of audit findings and the preparation of format audit reports.
* Assist in the preparation of presentations of audit results.

Working conditions:
The role is based in Jakarta, However, it requires extensive travel to Batu Hijau, Sumbawa (80% or more). Additional travels over extended periods of 3-4 weeks in duration to domestic and foreign locations may be required to conduct audits. Conditions may be primitive at times.


* Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance or Administration and between 2 to 4 years of public accounting or auditing experience or between 3 to 5 years of relevant commerce internal audit experience.
* CPA or equivalent designation.
* Big 4 accounting firm and senior in charge role experience preferred.
* Familiar with Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
* Knowledge of the mining industry is essential.
* Requires a high level of technical skills in internal control and auditing techniques.
* Fluent in English, both spoken and written.
* Good interpersonal and communication skills.
* Ability to work autonomously and as part of a team.
* You must be a confident individual who is capable of engaging senior leaders across the business.

If you are interested in joining PT Newmont Pacific Nusantara, please send your application at the latest by:
Friday, 25 February 2011

Email to:
PT Newmont Pacific Nusantara
(File name convention : “IA-Applicant Name-NMC”)

The above qualification is strict. Only candidates who meet the above qualification will be considered.

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· 0 komentar

Newmont Pacific Nusantara (PTNPN) is a mining service company managing all of Newmont’s interests in Indonesia. PTNPN is owned 10 percent by Newmont. PTNPN manages interests including exploration, government relations, taxes and other services. PTNPN is headquartered in Jakarta and has around 70 employees. The External Relations Dept. is looking for potential candidates to fill the following position:

Senior Internal Auditor
Report to:
- Internal Audit Manager
- Internal Audit Supervisor

Location: Jakarta (with extensive travel to site)

The main focus of the position of Senior Internal Auditor is to audit the activities of various Newmont Mining Corporation departments and entities to determine adherence to established plans, policies, procedures and good business practices. Fulfills team leader role on certain audits without direct supervision and participates in more complex audits under the direction of an internal Audit Manager or Internal Audit Supervisor. Trains and supervises the activities of start auditors.

Main duties:

* Under general supervision, performs the following functions:
* Performs assignments requiring understanding and application of audit principles, practices, and concepts.
* Assist in devising own methods to accomplish audits.
* Assist in planning work on assigned segments of the audit and in determining the extent of audit testing and workpaper content.
* Review transactions, documents, records, reports, processes, and procedures and prepare audit workpapers, recording and summarizing date.
* Discuss audit findings with operating personnel to verify facts and obtain background information to support conclusions and reach agreement with client.
* Assist as requested with the summarization of audit findings and the preparation of format audit reports.
* Assist in the preparation of presentations of audit results.

Working conditions:
The role is based in Jakarta, However, it requires extensive travel to Batu Hijau, Sumbawa (80% or more). Additional travels over extended periods of 3-4 weeks in duration to domestic and foreign locations may be required to conduct audits. Conditions may be primitive at times.


* Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance or Administration and between 2 to 4 years of public accounting or auditing experience or between 3 to 5 years of relevant commerce internal audit experience.
* CPA or equivalent designation.
* Big 4 accounting firm and senior in charge role experience preferred.
* Familiar with Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
* Knowledge of the mining industry is essential.
* Requires a high level of technical skills in internal control and auditing techniques.
* Fluent in English, both spoken and written.
* Good interpersonal and communication skills.
* Ability to work autonomously and as part of a team.
* You must be a confident individual who is capable of engaging senior leaders across the business.

If you are interested in joining PT Newmont Pacific Nusantara, please send your application at the latest by:
Friday, 25 February 2011

Email to:
PT Newmont Pacific Nusantara
(File name convention : “IA-Applicant Name-NMC”)

The above qualification is strict. Only candidates who meet the above qualification will be considered.

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· 0 komentar

Newmont Pacific Nusantara (PTNPN) is a mining service company managing all of Newmont’s interests in Indonesia. PTNPN is owned 10 percent by Newmont. PTNPN manages interests including exploration, government relations, taxes and other services. PTNPN is headquartered in Jakarta and has around 70 employees. The External Relations Dept. is looking for potential candidates to fill the following position:

Senior Internal Auditor
Report to:
- Internal Audit Manager
- Internal Audit Supervisor

Location: Jakarta (with extensive travel to site)

The main focus of the position of Senior Internal Auditor is to audit the activities of various Newmont Mining Corporation departments and entities to determine adherence to established plans, policies, procedures and good business practices. Fulfills team leader role on certain audits without direct supervision and participates in more complex audits under the direction of an internal Audit Manager or Internal Audit Supervisor. Trains and supervises the activities of start auditors.

Main duties:

* Under general supervision, performs the following functions:
* Performs assignments requiring understanding and application of audit principles, practices, and concepts.
* Assist in devising own methods to accomplish audits.
* Assist in planning work on assigned segments of the audit and in determining the extent of audit testing and workpaper content.
* Review transactions, documents, records, reports, processes, and procedures and prepare audit workpapers, recording and summarizing date.
* Discuss audit findings with operating personnel to verify facts and obtain background information to support conclusions and reach agreement with client.
* Assist as requested with the summarization of audit findings and the preparation of format audit reports.
* Assist in the preparation of presentations of audit results.

Working conditions:
The role is based in Jakarta, However, it requires extensive travel to Batu Hijau, Sumbawa (80% or more). Additional travels over extended periods of 3-4 weeks in duration to domestic and foreign locations may be required to conduct audits. Conditions may be primitive at times.


* Bachelor degree in Accounting, Finance or Administration and between 2 to 4 years of public accounting or auditing experience or between 3 to 5 years of relevant commerce internal audit experience.
* CPA or equivalent designation.
* Big 4 accounting firm and senior in charge role experience preferred.
* Familiar with Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
* Knowledge of the mining industry is essential.
* Requires a high level of technical skills in internal control and auditing techniques.
* Fluent in English, both spoken and written.
* Good interpersonal and communication skills.
* Ability to work autonomously and as part of a team.
* You must be a confident individual who is capable of engaging senior leaders across the business.

If you are interested in joining PT Newmont Pacific Nusantara, please send your application at the latest by:
Friday, 25 February 2011

Email to:
PT Newmont Pacific Nusantara
(File name convention : “IA-Applicant Name-NMC”)

The above qualification is strict. Only candidates who meet the above qualification will be considered.

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Lowongan Kerja HSBC

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Headquartered in London, HSBC is one of the largest banking and financial services organisations in the world. HSBC's international network comprises around 8,500 offices in 86 countries and territories in Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, the Americas, the Middle East and Africa.

With listings on the London, Hong Kong, New York, Paris and Bermuda stock exchanges, shares in HSBC Holdings plc are held by around 220,000 shareholders in 119 countries and territories. The shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange in the form of American Depositary Receipts.

Through an international network linked by advanced technology, including a rapidly growing e-commerce capability, HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services: personal financial services; commercial banking; corporate, investment banking and markets; private banking; and other activities.

At HSBC, the balance of life of our employee is always be our first priority. That is why many of our people consider their office as their second home, a place where they can enjoy their work.

We offer you the opportunity to become our new member of the House. Please explore this opportunity to find out more:

Staff Tax (Code: JS STF TAX HSS - CBA 11 ) - Jakarta
Responsibility : The jobholder is responsible for HSS tax administration and compliance


* Hold Bachelor’s degree from a reputable university majoring in accounting/taxation
* Has minimum 1 years working experience preferable in banking industry
* Has good knowledge of basic concept of Indonesia taxation , holding a tax brevet certificate is prefered
* Interest to work with detail and strive for accuracy in timely manner
* Show pro-active attitude, good communication skill and able to work with team
* Proficient in English and computer literate are required
* Demonstrate high degree of integrity

HR Recruiter - Medan (Code: JS HR REC MDN) - Medan
Responsibility : The job holder is responsible to develop and execute recruiting plans and to perform full life cycle recruitment process and maintain excellent relations with hiring managers, candidates, thru campus recruiting initiatives, networking through industry contacts, association membership, etc. Demonstrate resourcefulness and initiative in dealing with daily recruitment matters, to ensure sufficient application letters and qualified candidates to fulfill vacancies in Medan and Batam.


* Medan home-based
* Hold a minimum bachelor degree from reputable universities.
* Minimum 2 years of HR experienced is required. HR experienced from banking or financial institution will be an advantage.
* Proven candidate sourcing and relationship building skills
* Ability to travel for recruitment meetings, college visits and career fairs.
* Has proficient in English, computer literate, pleasant personality, able to work with team, demonstrate a high degree of credibility and integrity.

If you meet the above requirements and seek a rewarding career and the opportunity to develop with a progressive international bank, please send your detailed CV (in English) to address below:

HSBC - Human Resources Department
Address: World Trade Center, 4th Floor, Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav. 29-31, Jakarta 12920
Email: human-resources@hsbc.co.id

Please put the position code as the subject of your e-mail application

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